The Oka Crisis in five minutes

The so called “Oka Crisis” is one of the most legendary battles between indigenous land defenders and settles in the last century. This uprising against colonization set the tone for native resistance in Turtle Island to this day. We at like to big up the Mohawks of Kanehsatà:ke whenever possible, and in honor of the 25th anniversary of this rupture, we bring you two videos from our vault.

1. The Oka Crisis in five minutes, an extract of an interview with indigenous militant Gord Hill, who breaks down just what the fuck happened there. Download

2. Who are the Warriors: An interview with Mohawk warrior Clifton Nicholas, about the warrior society and their role in the “Oka Crisis”. Download

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    This entry was posted on Friday, July 10, 2015 at 4:22 pm and is poested under the fuckin show category.

    7 Responses to “The Oka Crisis in five minutes”

  • Mae says:

    Subtitles or a transcription pls?

  • Tommy Ryan says:

    Hey Stim,

    Is there a longer documentary you would advice on the so called “Oka Crisis”? It is a very inspiring show of force by the indigenous resistance against colonization and would be a nice to be spread around.

    All the best,


  • WithDefiance says:

    Hey Stim,

    Is there a good documentary you would recommend on the Oka Crisis. We do screenings of social struggle around the globe in our autonomous centre and this would fit in very well. Its a little know piece of peoples power and the struggle for selfdetermination. Thanks for sharing.

  • […] Anarchie * Linktipp: ** Website des Projekts * Bewegende Geschichte: die Oka-Krise ** Die Oka-Krise in 5 Minuten (auf Englisch) ** Mehr Informationen aus Kanada ** Video (auf […]

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