Solidarity Means Tabarnak! Quebec Students Strike Against Capitalism

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This week we look at the student led mobilizations that have rocked the streets of Montreal and Quebec City. From large scale marches, to occupations of university buildings to direct actions, the spring 2015 coalition has re-energized radical organizing in so called Quebec. If you want some more background on this watch “Street Politics 101” our documentary on the 2012 Quebec student strike.

Released April 11 2015 • Duration 15:01
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1. x0c – Super Mario World End Credits
2. Le Tabarnak – L’Authentik Payzan
3. Atari Teenage Riot – Start the Riot
4. Diplo – Boy oh Boy
5. Fort Minor –  Remember My Name
6. Onyx – Shut Em’ Down
7. Passi – Emeutes
8. Kelis – Milshake
9. MF Doom – Fenugreek

Some other samples from “Grin without at cat” “the Simpsons” “Game of Thrones”
Big ups to G.A.P.P.A. Madoc Studio and 99% Media and all the other video ninjas for documenting this uprising on the daily. How do y’all do it?!

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    This entry was posted on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 10:14 am and is poested under the fuckin show category.

    7 Responses to “Solidarity Means Tabarnak! Quebec Students Strike Against Capitalism”

  • Since 2012 nothing happened???

  • Darren Alexander says:

    Hi Frank,

    I interviewed you for Dominion/Media co-op back in toronto g20 days, i’m a colleague of Dru and Zoe B etc.
    We are slating a week of events and activities in Victoria in June, under the banner of Media Democracy Days Victoria (MDD Victoria) with a mandate to bring voices and content to the fore that is typically missing in our traditional media digest. I’ve long been following your submedia work and we’d love to have you join our day of panel speakers on Saturday June 6 either in person or by skype. Any chance? Please get back. Thanks,

  • MrFree says:

    Great show, stim. I really hope that girl got away from the pigs after such a beautiful “unarrest”.

    • jt says:

      Great show once again stim! Keep up the great work, I’m out in the vegas area thinking about getting some weekly screenings of your show going!

  • Leave a Reply


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