The Gulabi Gang

In this week’s show an homage to women everywhere, a look at the trolls from the Men’s Rights Movements and how the Gulabi Gang in India who are beating down rapists with big ass sticks. On the music break, Bambu with “The Queen is Dead.” Our featured guest is journalist Dawn Paley, talking about her book “Drug War Capitalism


1. RJD2 – Explosive
2. RJD2 – Wylin out
3. Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – Thrift Shop
4. Bambu – The Queen is Dead
5. Dust Brothers – Finding the Bomb
6. RJD2 – Heaven
7. Twisted Sister – We’re Not Gonna Take It

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    This entry was posted on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at 12:27 pm and is poested under the fuckin show category.

    4 Responses to “The Gulabi Gang”

  • Rein says:

    It would be cool if you could add links to the sites you mention at the end, I’m too damn lazy to go back and listen to it again.

    With love,

  • Tai says:

    Good show. Just one little thing, it has been very thinkable to make people disappear in Mexico for way longer than 10 years. But since we’re talking about women I’ll just leave you with this one example. Thanks for the excellent work.

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