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Johnny Cash’s “A Boy Named Sue” was written by Shel Silverstein.
Fatality rates for cyclists in U.S. bike share programs aren't just low—they're nonexistent.
The soil-less agriculture technique is both futuristic and strangely quaint.
America’s Transport Security Administration seems to have paid somewhere in the neighborhood of $1.4 million for a randomizer app.
San Francisco pediatrician Patricia Chan believes that a good education should promote both healthy minds and bodies.
Create a handmade-looking beanie without lifting a needle.
Before Bell, Grey, Reis, Bourseul, and Edison, there was a little-known French musician and inventor named Jean-François Sudre.
If you're planning an upcoming trip, this list is worth a look.
“Flower Power” takes blooming flowers and captures them as they soar through the air.
Like superheroes, each pain reliever has its own set of strengths and weaknesses.
Many actors have worn the Man of Steel’s cape. But Christopher Reeve owned it.
Data USA bills itself as "the most comprehensive visualization of U.S. public data."
A 19-year-old developed this sleep system as a part of a design school project.
Forget explorers, saints, or officials: These islands were named after more unusual people.