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Board of Trustees

No pay, long hours, crucial responsibilities and the requirement to personally cover board-related expenses such as travel. Such is the commitment of the Foundation trustees.

Current Board of Trustees
Trustee Emeriti
President Emeriti


James Kutsch Jr., PhD, Chair of the Board
Amy Hunkeler, DVM, DACVO, Vice Chair
Colin Giles, BVetMed, PhD, MRCVS, Treasurer
Patrick Long, DVM, Corporate Secretary

Board Members

Deborah Davenport, DVM, MS, DACVIM
Amy Eagle Thompson    
Robert C. Gain, Jr.
Walter George
Wendy Knudsen
Richard Lichter
Jonna Mazet, DVM, MPVM, PhD
Bette Morris, PhD
Cynthia Morris
David Morris, JD, MBA
David Petrie
Richard Swanson
Stanley Teeter, DVM

Presidents Emeriti

Betty White Ludden
Tom Sullivan

Trustees Emeriti

Eve Anderson
G. Marvin Beeman, DVM
Erik Bergishagen
Lewis Berman, DVM          
Roger Bohart
Mark Carter, PhD
R. Anthony Chamblin
Mrs. Robert V. Clark, Jr.
Robert Detterman
Jim Dickie
Sue Ane Langdon Emrek
Lester Fisher, DVM
Richard Gebhardt
Alan Kalter
Arlene Klein
Daniel Marsh, Jr.
Dayle Marsh
Dennis Murphy
Peter Rhulen
Ken Rosenthal
Mary Silkworth
Cheryl Wagner