- published: 05 Jul 2012
- views: 38538
Sullana is the name of the capital of the Sullana Province, in the north-western coastal plains of Peru on the Chira valley.
Sullana is located at 04°53' south latitude and 80°41' west longitude, 38 km north of Piura, the capital of the region.
The province has a tropical savanna climate and an average temperature of 27°C degrees. The minimum temperature is 16 °C and the maximum temperature is 38 °C (can go over 42 °C mark if the El Niño phenomenon is present).
The city is irriganted by the waters of the Chira River, the area around the capital city of Sullana is very fertile and there is much lush, tropical vegetation: Coconut palm trees, banana trees, paddy fields, etc. Sullana is an important commercial centre in one of Peru's major cotton-growing areas, along with the San Martín Region and the smaller Tumbes Region. A new sugar cane plantation has been planted nearby by Maple Ethanol for ethanol production.
Migration to Sullana has been intensive, but "pueblos jóvenes" (shanty towns) are neither widespread nor conspicuous, as they are in Piura for example. The total population in Sullana was 112,770 in 1981, 147,361 in 1993 and c. 162,500 in 2005.
Operación Primicia (Spanish pronunciation: [opeɾaˈsjom pɾiˈmisja], "Operation Scoop") was a large guerrilla attack that took place on 5 October 1975, in Formosa, Argentina. It was the largest attack ever launched by the paramilitary group Montoneros, which attempted to seize the barracks of the 29th Forest infantry regiment. This attack worsened the Dirty War, and indirectly led to the 1976 Argentine coup d'état the following year.
The attack was carried out in five phases. Firstly, Montoneros hijacked a flight of Aerolíneas Argentinas at Corrientes (with 102 passengers and six crew). The airliner, a Boeing 737-200, was redirected to Formosa. The Formosa International Airport was captured at the same time by Montoneros gunmen already in the province. During this attack they killed a police officer and held 200 hostages. Then, they assaulted the 29th infantry regiment. The surviving gunmen escaped in the Boeing and a Cessna 182. The Boeing landed in the countryside near Rafaela, Santa Fe Province, and the Cessna in a ricefield in Corrientes Province.
LA PERLA DEL CHIRA - (Sullana, Piura) 1/4
Piura: lluvias y desborde de río inunda Sullana
NATURAL FEST Sullana 2016
SULLANA 2017 | Marcavelica - Salitral - Vichayal | Peruvian Life
El Show mas ardiente en Sullana - La Unica Tropical Full HD ✓✓
SULLANA "La perla del Chira" Ciudad Turística
Sullana se encuentra ubicada más o menos a unos 36 km de la ciudad de Piura, aquí estamos a 60 metros sobre el nivel del mar. Hay muchas cosas que contar desde aquí, así que vamos a irnos hacia el pasado, vamos a regresar al presente y quizá vamos a vislumbrar el futuro haciendo este recorrido en esta ciudad conocida como La Perla del Chira.
Un inmenso caudal atraviesa la ciudad. Asi es como se puede describir el panorama en Sullana, en la región de Piura. Tal como era previsto, ya se vive una emergencia debido a las intensas lluvias que empezaron en la madrugada.
Piuranos temen que el desborde del río termine destruyendo las casas de dos manzanas enteras.
NATURAL Fest, en sullana este 4 de Noviembre están todos Invitados, natural sullana, la juerga en natural fest. natural fest la juerga total. los mejores Djs.
Sullana la perla del Chira, sus atractivos turisticos de la ciudad, calles y pueblos Marcavelica Salitral Turismo 2017. Suscribete es GRATIS :D DONACIONES AL CANAL: ►Caja Piura Cta: 210-012712-3-39 ►BCP Cta: 475-37165563-0-30 hacer vídeos requiere de un presupuesto, ayúdame a hacer mas vídeos de Perú. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/perulife/ Twiteer: https://twitter.com/peruvianlife
Interprete: La Unica Tropical Producción: Music Centro Richard Locación: El Obrero 56 Aniversario ==================================================== Descarga las Primicias en Audio Official HD: http://adf.ly/1XztF8 ==================================================== facebook : www.facebook.com/musiccentrorichard Web Site : www.musiccentrorichard.com email : rioman.rs@gmail.com Celular : #995804318, 982598727 Whatsapp : 982598727 Oficinas : (073)615684 TEMAS RELACIONADOS Cariño vuelve - Corazon Serrano [ Primicia Abril 2016 ] Full HD✓✓ Volveras - Corazón Serrano[ Primicia Abril 2016 ] Video Clip Oficial FULL ᴴᴰ✓✓ Amarte ha sido en vano - Corazón Serrano[ Primicia Abril 2016 ] Oficial FULL ᴴᴰ✓✓ El baile de salsa más hot del 2017 Full HD ✓✓ El Show mas ardiente en Sullana - La Unica T...
DESBORDADO TOTALMENTE CANAL VÍA DE SULLANA La provincia de Sullana, en la región Piura, soportó esta madrugada la tormenta de mayor magnitud de toda la temporada. Los sullaneros casi no durmieron por los vientos huracanados, truenos y rayos. Desde la madrugada hasta la mañana de hoy día, la lluvia cayó con fuerza en la ciudad y sus distritos de esta provincia de la región Piura, activando las quebradas y rebasando el principal acueducto, conocido como Canal Vía. Las viviendas colindantes a este viaducto tuvieron que evacuar a zonas seguras, debido a que el agua ingresó a las casas. Los asentamientos humanos más afectados son Villa Primavera, Nuevo Sullana, Los Olivos, Santa Teresa, Manuel Seoane y 15 de Marzo. En esos lugares, la lluvia dejó una estela de destrucción y desamparo. Tambié...
Una de las ciudades más bellas del norte peruano es Sullana "La perla del Chira"; provincia del departamento de Piura y dueña de innumerables lugares turísticos tales como la la casona de Sojo, el óvalo Turicarami, Coto de Caza de Angolo, Tangarará la primera ciudad fundada por los españoles en América y muchas otras. Visita Sullana.
Am ajuns pentru a doua oara in mai putin de 5 luni la Angkor Wat. Sincer sa fiu, nu imi pare deloc rau. Angkor Wat-ul are un farmec aparte pe care-l inteleg si apreciez din ce in ce mai mult. Si lui Mihnea i-a placut teribil :) Enjoy! :) ANGKOR WAT - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhkJGdhxhVA Cont de paypal : https://www.paypal.me/backpackyourlife Cum imi permit sa calatoresc atat de mult ? : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoBYeAI3Wv4 Subscribe to : http://www.youtube.com/c/BackPackYourLifeCatalin Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/catalin_backpackyourlife/ Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/BackPackYourLife/ Camera : SONY a6000 - http://www.f64.ro/sony-alpha-a6000-kit-pz-16-50mm-f-3-5-5-6-oss-aparat-foto-mirrorless-cu-wi-fi-si-nfc.html
From Tarapoto to Yurimaguas So i've decided to go on the Amazon. But i wanted to experience it a bit different.And then i started searching on the internet about some cool ways to do that. And i found it. Im talking about a rlly interesting boat ride that goes all the way from Yurimaguas (Peru) to Manaus (Brazil). But, because i knew that this is not going to be so easy, i decided to divide my trip into 3 parts (which ultimately transformed into 2 :). The first Episode focuses on how to reach Yurimaguas. It's not hard at all, but, since there were no proper video guides on Youtube about this adventure, i decided to be the FIRST to do it. It wasn't easy because i had to film everything on the go, didnt have much time to think about it or to shoot multiple takes. Either way, hope this ...
Piura Tierra Paraíso América Televisión Apu Films © Piura - Perú
Arequipa Travel - The white city - http://www.tourstoperu.info/Places/Arequipa/Arequipa-Travel-The-white-city.html ... The view of the Plaza de Armas at night is wonderful thanks to the colonial architecture of the buildings that surround it. Not in vain is Arequipa called the "Rome of Peru."
Llanganuco Lake - Contact us to highsummitperu@gmail.com www.highsummitperu.com
Some of the video from our little adventure around Peru on a motorbike.
Donations from Allstate and various others being distributed to earthquake victims of Vista Al Mar, Pisco, Peru
Green gardens, cold Montreal
Crooked pictures that hang in the hall
It's the golden day, golden day, gold, you recall on cue
Oooh, it's old news.
When the world revolved around you, yeah
Faculty members agreed to a certain degree
And the girl that followed the rules, yeah
Looked good on paper, but lacked a central theme
The coffee could use more cream
Friends blow away, blow away, blow like a cloud
Kids go away, go away, go, it's allowed
And all of the days spent close to your crowd were few
To the girl that followed the rules, yeah
It looked good on paper, and gave it a college try
Now the ink and her humour is dry
Friends blow away, blow away, blow like a cloud
Kids go away, go away, go, it's allowed
And all of the days spent close to her crowd are through
Oooh, it's the truth