Category: Uncategorized

The (End) Work Zone: Tales of Spontaneous Rebellion in the Workplace – Part III

End Work Zone

The normal course of a person’s working life typically produces a plethora of stories where the boss got one over on the employees and faced no retribution; countless unfair firings, anomalies with the paycheck, bullying, mistreatment and abuse. Hidden within, …

Anarcho-Syndicalist Organizations – Operating Principles

By Ann Kij

Last week I wrote some advice about what to consider if you want to start an anarcho-syndicalist organization. That advice concerned mainly focusing on your activity. Another important area would be setting out your operating principles in …

Lighting a Black Flame: The history and politics of global anarchism and syndicalism

Transcript of talk by Lucien van der Walt, São Paulo, Brazil, 2 November 2010, Ay Carmela, Rua das Carmelitas

I would like to thank everybody for coming today. I understand it’s a public holiday today. So, thanks for coming. Now, …

FECh statement on Chile port strike

Chilean Port workers in 14 northern and southern ports have been on strike,
at various times, since late December 2013. The strike wave began in the
northern Port of Angamos to continue the ongoing fight to win a paid half…