Announcing the Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative


The increasingly precarious conditions facing the North American working class, along with a rising tide of distrust and disgust with both our political and economic systems, demands that revolutionary organizations such as Workers Solidarity Alliance take immediate action to address these issues.

To this end, WSA has committed to launching the Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative to Create a Revolutionary Union Movement (ASI for short), a project which seeks to unite North American anarcho-syndicalists and focus our strength and resources toward building a working class movement capable of defeating the capitalists and establishing libertarian socialism in North America.

We seek to organize groups of anarcho-syndicalists who are, or will become, active in community and workplace struggles. Organizing activity will include building and/or participating in solidarity networks, grassroots workers centers, rank and file groups within business unions, industrial networks, independent unions and workplace committees capable of forming the basis for union-type organizations.

The essential unit of the ASI project will be the Local Group, which will then be organized into Regional Federations, and finally united in an overall Federation of North American Anarcho-Syndicalists.

Local groups will engage in activity both in the community and in the workplace, addressing issues of housing, anti-racism and the environmental disasters created by rapacious neo-liberalism.

The Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative is an effort that is long overdue. Building a revolutionary union movement will take time and commitment, but we cannot delay our efforts. We must move forward with energy and resolve. Each day that we delay can be measured in environmental destruction and the destroyed lives of working people.

The first step in this process will be building the local and regional groups. If you feel you are ready to commit to this historic effort, email your name and information (where you live, what you do, etc) to:
Dues are $28 a year and agreement with the basic principles of Workers Solidarity Alliance is required for membership. The Anarcho-Syndicalist Initiative is a project of Workers Solidarity Alliance. WSA information at:
Our time is NOW.


Comment from James O’Malley
Time: March 15, 2016, 10:57 pm

Liberty or death.

Comment from Nick Djinn
Time: March 17, 2016, 6:33 am

Keep me updated. :)

Comment from Alex Goetz
Time: March 19, 2016, 10:02 pm

“…secretary@…” is the email I assume?

Comment from lynx
Time: March 31, 2016, 11:04 am

Yes! If you’d like to reach out to us to start building your community’s Local Group, please reach out to us at But before doing so, please take some time to visit our website, to read our Constitution and our “Where We Stand Policy.” Solidarity!

Comment from lynx
Time: March 31, 2016, 11:05 am

Will do! If you’d like to reach out to us to start building your community’s Local Group, please reach out to us at But before doing so, please take some time to visit our website, to read our Constitution and our “Where We Stand Policy.” Solidarity!

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