The Anarcho-syndicalist Initiative – Building the Organizing Committee


The ASI is a project to build the organizing committee for an anarcho-syndicalist union movement. This movement will be part of a larger revolutionary union movement in North America. This movement will include unions based both in the workplace and in the community, wherever people require fighting formations to advance and defend their interests.

We seek to build a working class movement of the employed, the unemployed, the self-employed, students, home workers, the disabled, retirees; all of the members of the working class.

We see a movement capable of winning demands on the shop floor and in the streets, wherever the fight for an egalitarian society requires.

We see an organized movement for the central purpose of defeating the capitalist system and creating libertarian socialism.

The first step is to build strong and active local groups of anarcho-syndicalists. The groups will be able to work with community organizations, distribute ASI information, and engage in organizing activity.

The ASI is a project of Workers Solidarity Alliance. Dues are $28 per year and include membership in WSA and participation in the ASI project. Membership information is available at


Comment from Scott Nappalos
Time: March 31, 2016, 10:50 am

Glad to see these efforts!

Comment from lynx
Time: March 31, 2016, 11:01 am

Thank you! If you’d like to learn more, please take some time to check out the WSA’s website, as well as our Constitution and our “Where We Stand” policy. If, after you learn more, you’d like to start working with us to build your community’s Local Group, please reach out to us at Solidarity!

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