- published: 09 Sep 2011
- views: 189892
Waders, called shorebirds in North America (where "wader" is used to refer to long-legged wading birds such as storks and herons), are members of the order Charadriiformes, excluding the more marine web-footed seabird groups.
There are about 210 species, most of which are associated with wetland or coastal environments. Many species of Arctic and temperate regions are strongly migratory, but tropical birds are often resident, or move only in response to rainfall patterns. Some of the Arctic species, such as little stint, are amongst the longest distance migrants, spending the non-breeding season in the southern hemisphere.
Many of the smaller species found in coastal habitats, particularly but not exclusively the calidrids, are often named as "sandpipers", but this term does not have a strict meaning, since the upland sandpiper is a grassland species.
The smallest member of this group is the least sandpiper, small adults of which can weigh as little as 15.5 grams and measure just over 13 cm (5.1 in). The largest species is believed to be the Far Eastern curlew, at about 63 cm (25 in) and 860 grams (1.90 pounds), although the beach thick-knee is the heaviest at about 1 kg (2.2 lb).
Anlässlich des 75. Geburtstags von Hanns Dieter Hüsch singt Hannes Wader das Lied "Unterwegs nach Süden" - ein Lied, das er 1972 während der gemeinsam von ihnen unternommenen Tournee schrieb. Dieses Lied ist zudem ein Resultat einer Wette zwischen Wader und seinem Freund und Kollegen F.J. Degenhardt, der damals der Ansicht war, dass die Voraussetzung für die Singbarkeit eines Liedes der Endreim sei. Wader hat versucht, mit diesem Lied dessen Behauptung zu widerlegen. Es findet sich auf dem Album "7 Lieder". http://www.hanneswader.de
Hier ist die engl. Übersetzung des Wader-Text: Deep in the Champagne in midsummer green, where red poppys bloom between gravestones, the grass whispers and sways smoothlyin the wind, which sweeps gently over the graveyard. On your cross, dead soldier, I can not find your name, only numbers and someone painted the number 1916 and you weren’t even 19 years old. Yes, also you have been told lies by them yet, just like they still do it with us today. And you gave them everything: your strength, your youth, your life. Did you, dead soldier, ever love a girl? Certainly not, because only where there is peace tenderness and trust can flourish. You were a soldier to die, not to be young. Maybe you thought: “I might fall soon. I will grab any chance for pleasure, if necessary by force...
Cara Memancing Ikan Wader Dan Beles, Mancing Mania Yogyakarta, Cara Gampang Mancing Wader, Tips Jitu Mancing Wader Dan Beles Di Sungai , Cara Dan Tips Memancing Ikan Wader Dan Beles Dengan Tegek, Umpan Jitu Mancing Wader Dan Beles
Songs an einem Sommerabend 2014 - Abend der Liedermacher
Learn how to use waders safely and turn them into an asset rather than a liability.
Ikan yang satu ini kebanyakan memiliki ukuran yang kecil, namun jika dimasak memiliki rasa yang sangat gurih bahkan beberapa orang menganggapnya sebagai salah satu ikan air tawar yang paling enak untuk disantap walaupun banyak durinya, sehingga juga bisa diibaratkan mawar berduri, wah nggak nyambung he he. Apakah gerangan ikan ini jika anda bertanya-tanya, jawabannya adalah ikan wader. Ikan ini lebih sering banyak dijumpai di sungai-sungai yang tidak terlalu dalam atau dipinggir rawa yang cukup jernih, dan pada umumnya memiliki ukuran antara sebesar jempol tangan hingga 4 jari. Wader merupakan ikan dari suku Cyprinidae dan pada umumnya yang sering kami jumpai terdiri dari beberapa species yang dikenal sebagai wader biasa, wader pari (lunjar padi atau orang jawa mengenalnya sebagai goyor),...
Mancing Ikan Wader PAkai Umpan Tepung Roti
Hannes Wader - Echo-Verleihung für sein Lebenswerk 2013 1. Laudatio von Reinhard Mey 2. Rückblick auf seinen Lebensweg 3. Dankesrede von Hannes Wader 4. Heute hier, morgen dort (Original von 1972) gemeinsamer Auftritt mit den Toten Hosen
Bei den "Songs an einem Sommerabend" 1990 This video is for entertainment purposes only. Please support artists by buying their music. Bitte unterstützen Sie die Künstler durch den Kauf ihrer Musik.
Ikan Wader adalah ikan sungai yang biasanya berada di aliran sungai yang cukup deras. Untuk memancing ikan ini perlu skil khusus, walaupun ikan ini sangat rakus tetapi ada yang belum lihai. Nhah disini saya akan memberikan tips untuk membuat umpan mancing wader biar cepat disamberrrrrr. Jangan lupa Like and Subscribe yaa.....