- published: 04 Nov 2013
- views: 3670
Intramuscular fat (or Intramuscular triglycerides [IMTG]) is located throughout skeletal muscle. It is responsible for the marbling seen in certain cuts of beef. In humans, excess accumulation of intramuscular fat has been associated with conditions such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-lipodystrophy syndrome is associated with over-accumulation of intramuscular fat, which may contribute to AIDS wasting syndrome.
Increased IMTG was once thought responsible for increased insulin resistance. However, the discovery that athletes as well as obese individuals have high IMTG levels confounded these findings. Instead, IMTG metabolites, such as diacylglycerol and ceramide are responsible for the insulin resistance. Studies demonstrating the effects of IMTGs show that the mechanism involves the activation of the protein kinase C theta, which promotes the phosphorylation of IRS-1, thereby inhibiting the insulin signaling cascade.
Mystery meat navigation (also known as MMN) is a disparaging term coined in 1998 by Vincent Flanders, author and designer of the website Web Pages That Suck, to describe a web page where the destination of the link is not visible until the user points their cursor at it. Such interfaces lack a user-centered design, emphasizing aesthetic appearance, white space, and the concealment of relevant information over basic practicality and functionality.
The epithet "mystery meat" refers to the meat products often served in American public school cafeterias whose forms have been so thoroughly reprocessed that their exact types can no longer be identified by their appearances: like them, the methods of MMN are clear to the producer but baffling to the consumer.
Flanders originally and temporarily described the phenomenon as Saturnic navigation in reference to the Saturn Corporation, whose company website epitomized this phenomenon. Flanders writes, "The typical form of MMN is represented by menus composed of unrevealing icons that are replaced with explicative text only when the mouse cursor hovers over them".
Need Coaching? - http://runningraw.com/coaching.html . Get Tim's AudioBook "Turbo Charge Your Life!" http://bit.ly/pfsIJh . Which is better - Lean muscle or fatty muscle? As an endurance athlete, I certainly do want to have a good base of lean muscle mass, but I don't want the muscle to be too lean. The muscle with the most endurance is muscle with fat stored in the muscle cells (marbelized). Storing fat in muscle cells is an adaptation that occurs in muscle when an athlete does a high volume of aerobic training. . Glycogen is a great fuel for events that require speed and power, but it's not so great for endurance events. Fatty acids are a much better fuel for long distance, endurance events. Muscle cells that have fatty acids stored inside of their cell matrix can use those fatty acid...
Intramuscular fat and quality of fresh pork meat. Does genetic origin condition the response to nutritional modifications? Enric Esteve-Garcia IRTA Mas Bover Monogastric Nutrition Sponsor Day: Seminar on animal feeding 15th-16 Mayth 2014
Promotion of Intramuscular Fat Accumulation in Porcine Muscle by Nutritional Regulation_Masaya Katsumata 2014P05 (WS) Recent Progress in Swine Breeding and Raising Technologies 最新豬隻育種與養殖技術國際研討會 Partner: TLRI, Taiwan; NILGS, Japan; NARO, Japna; NIAS, Japan Venue: Tainan, Taiwan ROC Date: June 2-7 Organizers: Dr. Takashi Nagai/ Dr. Wan Tien Tsai
In-plant measurement of Intramuscular fat: Dr Cameron Craigie
►If you found this video helpful hit Subscribe to support the channel and share the video with your friends to spread the word◄ "Am I losing muscle?" I'll often hear this question just a few week into a diet because people will notice they lost some size initially. Fortunately for us that lost size is mainly due to your body burning intramuscular triglycerides rather than subcutaneous fat (at least not where you can see it). And this is a very common thing for guys in that range of 14-16% body fat when they start losing those first initial percentages. It's definitely not a big deal, just a normal process. Intramuscular fat is very easy to get back, and it's just a temporary thing. Now, guys who don't understand this will get scared and bump up their calories to "protect" the muscle w...
160515 트렌드, 지금 여기! - 이런 소, 어떻소? #연합뉴스TV #연합뉴스TV Entertainment #트렌드, 지금 여기! #이런 소, 어떻소?
WATCH FULL VERSION: https://goo.gl/Wk3nTi?53192
Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf Matthäus - R. Matthäus Ingebieurbüro Inhalt: * Eigene -Vorwettbewerbliche- Entwicklungen von: 1. · Verfahren 2. · Geräten 3. · Hard/Software 4. · Sensoren für die Fleischwirtschaft * Neutraler Klassifizierungsservice von Rindern & Schweinen. Seit 2009 zertifizierte & akkreditierte Prüfstelle nach DIN EN ISO 17020:2004 durch BLE * Akkreditierter Lieferant aller Landesanstalten für Leistungsprüfungen in der Tierzucht für die Fleischbeschaffenheit (FBZ) & die Körung http://spectronet.de/de?t=/contentManager/onStory&active;=no&ParentID;=1264967876628&StoryID;=1283085224364
I personally demonstrate my new favorite injection technique and site. Using an regular needle to load an insulin needle and inject prescription testosterone intramuscular. Some doctors are recommending injecting steroids into the belly fat. I tried this and it was painful and made a temporary unsightly lump of TRT oil over my abs. And I don't like injecting into my butt constantly, and injections into my quad make me limp on one leg for a day, so this injection with an insulin needle 30g into my upper chest ended up being the solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: we discuss prescription medications that should only be used under doctor d...
Flap meat is really good for the grill because of the intramuscular fat. In this video I will show you how to grill, smoke, and slice this particular cut of meat.
A lipoma is slow-growing, benign growth of fat cells. It is contained in a thin, fibrous capsule and found right under the skin. A lipoma is typically not tender and moves around easily with slight pressure. A lipoma is not cancerous and treatment generally is not necessary. There is also a condition called familial lipomatosus, where people develop multiple lipomas, especially on the arms and legs, and other family members have these growths as well. If the lipoma is on a pressure-bearing area, it may create discomfort and this is when people seek removal. People also request removal because they don’t like the appearance of these bumps. Often a small incision can be made over the lipoma and they can be “popped” out easily. This is a simple in-office surgical procedure under local ane...
Need Coaching? - http://runningraw.com/coaching.html . Get Tim's AudioBook "Turbo Charge Your Life!" http://bit.ly/pfsIJh . Are all fats the same? Are some fats good and others bad? What about Omega 3 fatty acids? How are they different than other fats? How do saturated fats damage arteries? What makes a fat saturated? Why do paleo diet promoters suggest that people eat more saturated fat? ----- . Support The Running Raw Project - Donate - http://bit.ly/XA5ZXO . Click here to check out Tim Van Orden's race results - http://runningraw.com/results.html . Click here to subscribe to Tim Van Orden's Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/runningraw . Click here to check out the Running Raw Blog - http://runningraw.com/blog . Click here to friend Tim Van Orden on Facebook - https://www.facebook.co...
Dr. Tony Huge and Coach Trevor discuss with the worlds tallest bodybuilder why you do NOT want to combine sugar and fat if your trying to get shredded. *****FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY***** Join Me and Enhanced Athletes to become superhuman! STAY SWELL AND SWOLE, FRIENDS OF FREEDOM! Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook. I get many hundreds of messages a day and respond to almost all of them. I check messages any chance I get but often I get interrupted and sometimes I lose the message I meant to respond to, so please if I don't respond just re-send the message to me because non response is only an accident. Products: http://EnhancedAthlete.com Shipping/Customer Service: Support@EnhancedAthlete.com Questions About or Becoming a Sponsored Athlete: kevin@EnhancedAthlete.c...
Have you ever noticed that no matter how many ab workouts you do you still have that stubborn pouch of belly fat? I use to get frustrated with how hard it was to get my belly fat to go down while the rest of me was pretty thin so I looked into belly fat to better understand what it is I’m dealing with because the best way to get rid of something is to know what causes it right? So today I will talk about what belly fat is, its purpose, what can cause extra belly fat, and finally the best way to get rid of it! Did you know that there are three layers of belly fat? The 3 types of belly fat are visceral, intramuscular, and Subcutaneous. Visceral fat is the deepest layer of fat and it goes around our organs. This type of fat feels firm and excess amounts of this type of fat can lead t...
34-year-old female with a history of a palpable abnormality in the posteromedial right thigh. Images demonstrate a circumscribed STIR hyperintense, T1 slightly hypointense lesion without signal dropout on the out of phase images. The lesions is bright on the diffusion weighted images, and there is avid enhancement on the postcontrast images. Intramuscular myxoma was favored given the imaging characteristics, but on biopsy, this was found to represent an intramuscular schwannoma. Schwannomas, or benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors, are composed of encapsulated Schwann cells. Typical age of presentation includes middle-aged adults with no gender predilection. Presenting symptoms include a slowly growing, painless lesion which typically arises along the flexor surfaces in the extremities. I...
Fat and intramuscular fat storage forms are a key part of the energy system used to successfully train and compete in multisport and endurance events. http://completetriathlete.net/
The human body is very efficient, and uses fat as a source of energy of last resort. Fat stores have allowed humans to survive countless famines over the last 10,000 years. It has been an evolutionary advantage to be fat, and have a slow metabolism. When you exercise, the first source of energy your body uses is the calories you have recently eaten. Once you have burnt off the 800 calories from your most recent meal, your body taps into sugar known as glycogen, stored in your muscles and liver. A marathon runner will eat lots of pasta the few days leading up to a race, to fill his muscles with glycogen. This allows the runner to be able to run a full race without stopping to eat. This glycogen is also what fuels you overnight so your blood sugar doesn't drop from not eating for 12 hours. ...
In this video you'll learn the truth about losing muscle while cutting to 10% body fat for the first time. ►If you found this video helpful hit Subscribe to support the channel and share the video with your friends to spread the word◄ I've noticed a lot of guys are very worried about losing muscle on a fat loss diet when they're doing it for the first time. And I've been in the same boat. When I was getting to 10 percent body fat level for the first time I was extremely paranoid about muscle loss. Especially in those first few months because it felt like I was losing everything except fat. One reason for that is that I was so focused on the abdominal area while in reality that's usually the last part where your body will lose fat from. (And from your glutes). And where your body is g...
Need Coaching? - http://runningraw.com/coaching.html . Get Tim's AudioBook "Turbo Charge Your Life!" http://bit.ly/pfsIJh . Which is better - Lean muscle or fatty muscle? As an endurance athlete, I certainly do want to have a good base of lean muscle mass, but I don't want the muscle to be too lean. The muscle with the most endurance is muscle with fat stored in the muscle cells (marbelized). Storing fat in muscle cells is an adaptation that occurs in muscle when an athlete does a high volume of aerobic training. . Glycogen is a great fuel for events that require speed and power, but it's not so great for endurance events. Fatty acids are a much better fuel for long distance, endurance events. Muscle cells that have fatty acids stored inside of their cell matrix can use those fatty acid...
Intramuscular fat and quality of fresh pork meat. Does genetic origin condition the response to nutritional modifications? Enric Esteve-Garcia IRTA Mas Bover Monogastric Nutrition Sponsor Day: Seminar on animal feeding 15th-16 Mayth 2014
Promotion of Intramuscular Fat Accumulation in Porcine Muscle by Nutritional Regulation_Masaya Katsumata 2014P05 (WS) Recent Progress in Swine Breeding and Raising Technologies 最新豬隻育種與養殖技術國際研討會 Partner: TLRI, Taiwan; NILGS, Japan; NARO, Japna; NIAS, Japan Venue: Tainan, Taiwan ROC Date: June 2-7 Organizers: Dr. Takashi Nagai/ Dr. Wan Tien Tsai
In-plant measurement of Intramuscular fat: Dr Cameron Craigie
►If you found this video helpful hit Subscribe to support the channel and share the video with your friends to spread the word◄ "Am I losing muscle?" I'll often hear this question just a few week into a diet because people will notice they lost some size initially. Fortunately for us that lost size is mainly due to your body burning intramuscular triglycerides rather than subcutaneous fat (at least not where you can see it). And this is a very common thing for guys in that range of 14-16% body fat when they start losing those first initial percentages. It's definitely not a big deal, just a normal process. Intramuscular fat is very easy to get back, and it's just a temporary thing. Now, guys who don't understand this will get scared and bump up their calories to "protect" the muscle w...
160515 트렌드, 지금 여기! - 이런 소, 어떻소? #연합뉴스TV #연합뉴스TV Entertainment #트렌드, 지금 여기! #이런 소, 어떻소?
WATCH FULL VERSION: https://goo.gl/Wk3nTi?53192
Dipl.-Ing. Rudolf Matthäus - R. Matthäus Ingebieurbüro Inhalt: * Eigene -Vorwettbewerbliche- Entwicklungen von: 1. · Verfahren 2. · Geräten 3. · Hard/Software 4. · Sensoren für die Fleischwirtschaft * Neutraler Klassifizierungsservice von Rindern & Schweinen. Seit 2009 zertifizierte & akkreditierte Prüfstelle nach DIN EN ISO 17020:2004 durch BLE * Akkreditierter Lieferant aller Landesanstalten für Leistungsprüfungen in der Tierzucht für die Fleischbeschaffenheit (FBZ) & die Körung http://spectronet.de/de?t=/contentManager/onStory&active;=no&ParentID;=1264967876628&StoryID;=1283085224364
I personally demonstrate my new favorite injection technique and site. Using an regular needle to load an insulin needle and inject prescription testosterone intramuscular. Some doctors are recommending injecting steroids into the belly fat. I tried this and it was painful and made a temporary unsightly lump of TRT oil over my abs. And I don't like injecting into my butt constantly, and injections into my quad make me limp on one leg for a day, so this injection with an insulin needle 30g into my upper chest ended up being the solution. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: we discuss prescription medications that should only be used under doctor d...
Flap meat is really good for the grill because of the intramuscular fat. In this video I will show you how to grill, smoke, and slice this particular cut of meat.
A lipoma is slow-growing, benign growth of fat cells. It is contained in a thin, fibrous capsule and found right under the skin. A lipoma is typically not tender and moves around easily with slight pressure. A lipoma is not cancerous and treatment generally is not necessary. There is also a condition called familial lipomatosus, where people develop multiple lipomas, especially on the arms and legs, and other family members have these growths as well. If the lipoma is on a pressure-bearing area, it may create discomfort and this is when people seek removal. People also request removal because they don’t like the appearance of these bumps. Often a small incision can be made over the lipoma and they can be “popped” out easily. This is a simple in-office surgical procedure under local ane...
Need Coaching? - http://runningraw.com/coaching.html . Get Tim's AudioBook "Turbo Charge Your Life!" http://bit.ly/pfsIJh . Are all fats the same? Are some fats good and others bad? What about Omega 3 fatty acids? How are they different than other fats? How do saturated fats damage arteries? What makes a fat saturated? Why do paleo diet promoters suggest that people eat more saturated fat? ----- . Support The Running Raw Project - Donate - http://bit.ly/XA5ZXO . Click here to check out Tim Van Orden's race results - http://runningraw.com/results.html . Click here to subscribe to Tim Van Orden's Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/runningraw . Click here to check out the Running Raw Blog - http://runningraw.com/blog . Click here to friend Tim Van Orden on Facebook - https://www.facebook.co...
Dr. Tony Huge and Coach Trevor discuss with the worlds tallest bodybuilder why you do NOT want to combine sugar and fat if your trying to get shredded. *****FOR ENTERTAINMENT AND INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY***** Join Me and Enhanced Athletes to become superhuman! STAY SWELL AND SWOLE, FRIENDS OF FREEDOM! Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook. I get many hundreds of messages a day and respond to almost all of them. I check messages any chance I get but often I get interrupted and sometimes I lose the message I meant to respond to, so please if I don't respond just re-send the message to me because non response is only an accident. Products: http://EnhancedAthlete.com Shipping/Customer Service: Support@EnhancedAthlete.com Questions About or Becoming a Sponsored Athlete: kevin@EnhancedAthlete.c...
Have you ever noticed that no matter how many ab workouts you do you still have that stubborn pouch of belly fat? I use to get frustrated with how hard it was to get my belly fat to go down while the rest of me was pretty thin so I looked into belly fat to better understand what it is I’m dealing with because the best way to get rid of something is to know what causes it right? So today I will talk about what belly fat is, its purpose, what can cause extra belly fat, and finally the best way to get rid of it! Did you know that there are three layers of belly fat? The 3 types of belly fat are visceral, intramuscular, and Subcutaneous. Visceral fat is the deepest layer of fat and it goes around our organs. This type of fat feels firm and excess amounts of this type of fat can lead t...
34-year-old female with a history of a palpable abnormality in the posteromedial right thigh. Images demonstrate a circumscribed STIR hyperintense, T1 slightly hypointense lesion without signal dropout on the out of phase images. The lesions is bright on the diffusion weighted images, and there is avid enhancement on the postcontrast images. Intramuscular myxoma was favored given the imaging characteristics, but on biopsy, this was found to represent an intramuscular schwannoma. Schwannomas, or benign peripheral nerve sheath tumors, are composed of encapsulated Schwann cells. Typical age of presentation includes middle-aged adults with no gender predilection. Presenting symptoms include a slowly growing, painless lesion which typically arises along the flexor surfaces in the extremities. I...
Fat and intramuscular fat storage forms are a key part of the energy system used to successfully train and compete in multisport and endurance events. http://completetriathlete.net/
The human body is very efficient, and uses fat as a source of energy of last resort. Fat stores have allowed humans to survive countless famines over the last 10,000 years. It has been an evolutionary advantage to be fat, and have a slow metabolism. When you exercise, the first source of energy your body uses is the calories you have recently eaten. Once you have burnt off the 800 calories from your most recent meal, your body taps into sugar known as glycogen, stored in your muscles and liver. A marathon runner will eat lots of pasta the few days leading up to a race, to fill his muscles with glycogen. This allows the runner to be able to run a full race without stopping to eat. This glycogen is also what fuels you overnight so your blood sugar doesn't drop from not eating for 12 hours. ...
In this video you'll learn the truth about losing muscle while cutting to 10% body fat for the first time. ►If you found this video helpful hit Subscribe to support the channel and share the video with your friends to spread the word◄ I've noticed a lot of guys are very worried about losing muscle on a fat loss diet when they're doing it for the first time. And I've been in the same boat. When I was getting to 10 percent body fat level for the first time I was extremely paranoid about muscle loss. Especially in those first few months because it felt like I was losing everything except fat. One reason for that is that I was so focused on the abdominal area while in reality that's usually the last part where your body will lose fat from. (And from your glutes). And where your body is g...
Promotion of Intramuscular Fat Accumulation in Porcine Muscle by Nutritional Regulation_Masaya Katsumata 2014P05 (WS) Recent Progress in Swine Breeding and Raising Technologies 最新豬隻育種與養殖技術國際研討會 Partner: TLRI, Taiwan; NILGS, Japan; NARO, Japna; NIAS, Japan Venue: Tainan, Taiwan ROC Date: June 2-7 Organizers: Dr. Takashi Nagai/ Dr. Wan Tien Tsai
In this video I get into the science of FAT. Subcutaneous fat, intramuscular fat, internal organ fat, saturated fat and unsaturated fat. You can find me here: Facebook: Makeda Voletta - The Body Scientist Twitter: Queen_Makeda Email: MVoletta@TheBodyScientist.com www.BlogTalkRadio.com/criticalthinking1 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BOOKS: "Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill" by: Udo Erasmus, PhD "The Choleseterol Myth" "Eat Fat, Loose Fat" by: Mary Enig, PhD "Nutirition and Physical Degeneration" by: Weston A. Price, DDS "Real Food" by: Nina Planck "Deep Nutrition - Why Your Genes Need Traditional Foods" by: Catherine Shanahan, MD
Japanese beef, or 'Wagyu' has fans around the world for its rich intramuscular fat, known as marbling. But as producers have focused on increasing this quality, consumers have shifted to leaner cuts. With two meat connoisseurs joining us as guests, we bring you the latest on the pursuit of perfect beef. Guests: Jimon Terakado (Comedian) Rie Katahira (Meat Specialist)
The fourth session in the webinar series "BREEDPLAN - From Whoa to Go". It discusses the Eye Muscle Area (EMA), Rib Fat, Rump Fat, Intramuscular Fat (IMF), Retail Beef Yield (RBY) and Carcase Weight EBVs. What do the EBVs mean? What information needs to be recorded for these EBVs and how do you record it?
Vídeo sobre perda de gordura, HIIT e AEJ. Falando da importância do aeróbio na perda de gordura Acesse as páginas do face que estão ajudando na divulgação do canal: https://www.facebook.com/drestevamluiz https://www.facebook.com/pages/Horsepower-PRO/595625490465945?ref=hl Ajude o Canal do Coelho com Bitcoins! Faça doações de qualquer valor para: 19vuqMBKmSkYw4sh3jR8F9FZH5GZtcQS9R Não sabe o que é Bitcoin? http://www.bitcoinbrasil.com.br/o-que-e-bitcoin/ Curta a página do canal no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CanalDoCoelho Se gostou do vídeo, clique em gostei e compartilhe com seus amigos no Facebook, twitter, e não se esqueça de se inscrever no meu canal para receber aviso dos próximos vídeos: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gabrieow Me siga no twitter: @gabr...
Weekly podcast talking about recent MMA/UFC fights. This week we talk about the first Robbie Lawler and Johny Hendricks fight... as we get excited about their rematch this coming weekend. More LauDown Show here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?action_edit=1&list;=PLLkaI-JOkXwnkhpZm6PO6oEmniBj0FvYZ
Adirondack Grazers Cooperative and SUNY Adirondack were happy to host Dr. Allen Williams for the 2016 Grass-fed Beef Summit. In this day long presentation he discussed rotational grazing techniques and challenges unique to the Northeast grass-fed beef community. "Show More" for Index... In Part Thirteen: :: Intramuscular Fat Image :: Longitudinal Image of Bovine Longissimus Muscle :: Animal Handling :: Affects All Quality Attributes :: Solution? :: Slaughter and Processing :: What is the Quality and Yield Target? :: Grass Fed Potential
Are you confused by all the crazy diet and nutrition info out there? Have you been banging your head against the wall wondering why you're eating right, exercising, yet still not looking lean? Or perhaps you simply want to feel more energetic on a day to day basis? It all comes down to not only what you're eating, but in what balance. Join me for an invaluable webinar in which I'll partner with Peter Defty, the creator of OFM (Optimal Fat Metabolism) and together, we'll give you all the tools you'll need to learn how and why becoming a better fat burner is the ticket to a lean body, improved athletic performance, sharp mental focus and a wide range of health benefits. Peter was my personal guide last season as I shifted my otherwise healthy (except for those carbohydrate gels I was st...
Hey everyone! So here is my seven month post op and three months on T video. I decided to show you how I do my T shots just so you know. I inject it into the subcutaneous fat on my stomach. This is totally painless! It makes doing T shots pretty easy. So yea, stay awesome y'all! If you have any questions and comments please feel free to email me at rhys_quicksilver@yahoo.com
After hundreds of fitness product reviews and workout reviews, the Fit Test Dummies are here with a full workout. So try this free workout with David Norton and Shuna Norton as today they take you through a DTP workout. DTP (Dynamic Transformation Principle) is a two move workout designed to squeeze intramuscular fat out of your body to create gorgeous lean muscle. This type of training is ideal for creating a beach body when you want to look good with your shirt off or look great in a bikini. The Fit Test Dummies are here to give you the body you have always wanted. So follow along with this shoulder and leg workout. They're using an Arnold press to create beautiful, strong shoulders and a modified leg press to create gorgeous, strong legs. Subscribe now: http://www.youtube.com/subscri...
Jillian Michaels talks candidly about her journey and lessons learned on building a global fitness business empire-- across popular TV shows, award winning books, DVDs, digital and most recently mobile. And of course, she shares her life hacks and tips & tricks on how to get in the shape of your life! Get her book here: https://goo.gl/jCiisE Moderated by Mary Liz McCurdy.
Metabolism Process in Human Skeletal Muscle Skeletal muscle constitutes the largest insulin-sensitive tissue in the body and is the primary site for insulin-stimulated glucose utilization. Skeletal muscle resistance to insulin is fundamental to the metabolic dysregulation associated with obesity and physical inactivity, and contributes to the development of the metabolic syndrome (MS). The inability to efficiently take up and store fuel, and to transition from fat to glucose as the primary source of fuel during times of caloric abundance (high insulin) or scarcity (low insulin) has been termed metabolic inflexibility which contributes to a whole body metabolic dysregulation and cardiovascular risk. Potential mechanisms contributing to reduced insulin signaling and action in skeletal muscl...
A graph demonstration of fat usage & Storage to maximise the use of fat over sugar & protein!
Speaker: Dr. Krishona Martinson | University of Minnesota Summary: This presentation will focus on methods horse owners can use to estimate body weight in adult horses, including newly developed equations that estimate ideal body weight and body weight index to assess the likelihood that a horse is over- or under-weight.
When Trisha Cowley, beef extension officer with the NT Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, embarked on a two year Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) with a cattle station located about 300 km south of Katherine in the Northern Territory, the questions asked by local producers included: Are hormone growth promotants really cost-effective under NT growth rates, where the dry season often involves live weight loss or maintenance during the first year post weaning? If so, what are the most profitable strategies? What are the hidden costs? When do implant losses occur? Join Trisha as she answers these questions in this webinar recording.
This video is about depo provera shot experience and after math. Keep in mind not everyone has the same reactions to medication, this is just my personal experience. I believe, now more than ever, you should research any prescription or medication you might take. There are side effects to everything and most of them are quite harmful to your body. I REGRET not looking up the side effects of this shot before taking it. There are MANY women who had the same reaction. This video is not meant to scare anyone, but i feel its important you know all the possibilities before taking the steps to start this medication. Please think of all your options. Even though i may joke or laugh in this video, this has been very hard on me... mentally, emotionally, and physically. I have had many expenses to pa...
TRANSFORMATION is a documentary about a group of transgender teens and young adults struggling to find the resources, safety, and confidence to express their gender identity. With 45% of young transgender people having reportedly attempted suicide in the United States alone, non-binary stylist Madin Lopez has made it their business to provide life-altering, gender-affirming makeovers. Afterwards, these individuals are hopefully able to be their true and best selves, looking on the outside how they’ve always felt on the inside. For more infomation visit http://trans.lookdifferent.org Subscribe to MTV: http://goo.gl/NThuhC More from MTV: Official MTV Website: http://www.mtv.com/ Like MTV: https://www.facebook.com/MTV Follow MTV: https://twitter.com/MTV MTV Google+: http://goo.gl/OGY79b MT...