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Archive for February, 2016

3/14: Walidah Imarisha / ANGELS WITH DIRTY FACES @ Powell’s on Hawthorne (Portland, OR)

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Join Walidah Imarisha as she reads from and discusses her new book, Angels with Dirty Faces: Three Stories of Crime, Prison, and Redemption. About the book: Angels with Dirty Faces is no romanticized tale of crime and punishment. The three lives in this creative nonfiction account are united by the presence of actual harm—sometimes horrific violence. [...]

Perspectives on Anarchist Theory — New and Old

Wednesday, February 17th, 2016

Our pals at the Institute for Anarchist Studies are planning an important issue of Perspectives on Anarchist Theory about”Anarcha-Feminisms.” They’ve got an Indiegogo campaign started to help pay for printing and mailing costs. Remember: these folks all volunteer their time and energy to produce this vital contribution to our movement, so let’s help them out by [...]