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Archive for the ‘The Turkletons’ Category

The Turkletons

Filed under: The Turkletons — Tags: — mnpunk @ 4:51 AM

Kissing Disease

More Turkletons. Kissing Disease performed live, then the recorded version from the Masked Intruder split.

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The Turkletons

Filed under: The Turkletons — Tags: — mnpunk @ 3:48 PM

Ames, IO 2010

I don’t know much about the Turkletons other than they did a split with Madison, WI’s Masked Intruder. That was my first introduction to them, and I gotta tell you I don’t hate them. Not bad. I went in search of some other music, and that’s when i stumbled on these YouTube videos.

As far as I can tell they are a 4 piece pop-punk bad from Minneapolis. Below is what appears to be most of their set from a 2010 show in Ames Iowa. So feel free to rock out, but please, not with your cock out…there is a lady present. :)

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