
Success Story

Clothes with a cause

A benefit corporation that helps at-risk women in India used dynamic product ads to promote its line of clothing, resulting in a 44% decrease in ad spend and a 10% increase in sales.
  • 10% increase in sales
  • 44% decrease in ad spend
  • 53% decrease in cost per acquisition
  • 2X increase in click-through rate

Their Story

Made from hope

Sudara and its non-profit sister organization help Indian women that have escaped sexual slavery, giving them jobs and the opportunity to learn new skills. Sudara’s ecommerce site sells beautiful, handcrafted clothing that gives women a viable long-term career.

Their Goal

Getting better all the time

Sudara’s main goal was to increase online sales. The company had already been experiencing great returns using Facebook advertising, but after partnering with agency Sum Digital, it saw the opportunity to run more scaled and efficient campaigns using dynamic product ads.
Getting our message out to new potential customers, and watching them turn from strangers into customers and fan loyalists would not have been possible without Facebook’s ability to deliver the ads to the right people at the right time. It’s the synergy between Sudara’s brand promise and Facebook’s ability to deliver that has made magic for us!
Shannon Keith, CEO, Sudara

Their Solution

A campaign made to measure

To make its campaign as efficient as possible, Sudara and Sum Digital aimed to reach people who had already visited the Sudara website in the past 30 days. To do this, the team embedded a Facebook pixel on the Sudara website to create an ad targeting option called a Custom Audience. This allowed the company to find people who had visited the Sudara website, and then advertise to them directly on Facebook.
The team created dynamic product ads—personalized ads that display products relevant to each individual—to remind web visitors of the items they had previously looked at on the Sudara website. Sudara used both the carousel ad format with multiple images, and link ads with a single image to showcase its beautifully designed and photographed clothing. Under each product image, a ‘Shop Now’ button took people to the product page on Sudara’s website to purchase.
To combat creative fatigue, Sudara and Sum Digital created and tested several sets of ads and formats, relying on Facebook’s ad rotation to allocate spend accordingly, in line with performance.

Their Success

Keeping up the good work

Sudara’s Facebook advertising has allowed the organization to grow and empower many more women with sustainable jobs. Spending 98% of its online budget with Facebook, Sudara has also been able to double its revenues month over month and achieve the following results from its dynamic product ads campaign, which ran between October–November 2015:
  • 10% increase in sales
  • 44% decrease in ad spend
  • 53% decrease in cost per acquisition
  • 2X higher click-through rate
Sudara has products that have mass appeal, as well as great merchandising and images that show off those products. As we scaled the Facebook ads program, we knew that launching dynamic product ads would be a strong wind at our back, delivering significant revenue with amazing efficiency.
Terry Whalen, President, Sum Digital

Keys to Success

Test Facebook ads

Find out what types of ads and creative your audience responds to most. Try out different ad types and test one variable at a time—such as ad text, targeting, images and where the ads link to. Then create future campaigns based on the variables that performed best.

Use high quality images

Photos of your products, services, lifestyle images, behind-the-scenes looks or customers using your products draw more attention and help your message stand out in News Feed.

Track your return on ad spend

Use conversion tracking to monitor actions people take after clicking your ads, such as making a product purchase or signing up for a newsletter. For best results, optimize your ad bid for more conversions.