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Tag Archives: Global Actions

100 days of collective punishment for Hebron residents

Hebron press release 4

7th February 2016 | International Solidarity Movement | Hebron, occupied Palestine February 8th marks one hundred days since Israeli forces declared the Tel Rumeida neighborhood and the adjacent portion of Shuhada Street a “closed military zone,” requiring residents to register ...

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First aid crews need your support to save lives!

Medics on the field respond within seconds to demonstrators when they get injured

9th November 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Huwara Team | occupied Palestine On October 30th 2015, Israeli forces shot at one of Fadi’s ambulances which resulted in the windows of one of the ambulances being broken alongside other damages.   ...

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Help ISM continue our work!

Olive grove in Burin, near Nablus

Friends, the last month has been a morbid display of Israeli force in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The number of killings, injuries, and arrests of Palestinians is rising so rapidly that it is becoming increasingly difficult to clarify one extrajudicial ...

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“The youth will not tire, ’till your independence”


November 7th, 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Nablus, Occupied Palestine Today, at 6 pm local time in Occupied Jerusalem, Palestinians and supporters gathered in peaceful events all over the world to sing the “unofficial” Palestinian national anthem, Mawtini (In Arabic ...

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