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Nabi Saleh Protest Ends With Tear Gas

Nabi Saleh

8th of April 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | West Bank, occupied Palestine As on every Friday a group of Palestinians, supported by Israeli Peace Activists, Internationals and with an international media presence, came together in Nabi Saleh ...

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IOF Military Training Exercises in the Jordan Valley


4th April 2016|International Solidarity Movement | Al-Khalil Team, occupied Palestine In the north of the Jordan Valley, and adjacent to the town of Tubass, are three agricultural communities: Yarza (with 4 families), Ibzk (13 families) and Samre (11 families). These ...

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Israeli military destroys agricultural lands in Gaza

Bulldozers in the fields of Gaza

3rd of March 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine At around 9am on Thursday, the 31st March, four Israeli bulldozers entered the Gaza Strip at El Fakhuri. They came in order to destroy agricultural lands ...

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Olive tree planting connects Palestinians in the Jordan Valley

Planting of olive trees

2nd April 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Jordan Valley, Occupied Palestine On Saturday 2nd April, Palestinians and international activists alike worked together in solidarity to plant olive trees in the town of al-Bikaa in the Jordan Valley, the town falls ...

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Peaceful tree planting met with force in Nabi Saleh

A young girl being interviewed prior to the demonstration

1st April 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Nabi Salih, West Bank, Occupied Palestine On Friday 1st April, Palestinians from the town of Nabi Salih, along with international and Israeli activists, marched together in solidarity to protest the illegal Israeli ...

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Targeting of civilians with excessive force in Ni’lin

Long-range tear gas canister that has been shot at Palestinians in demonstrations all over the occupied West Bank

1st April 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, al-Khalil team | Ni’lin, occupied Palestine On 1st April, the weekly non-violent protest in Ni’lin village commemorated the Palestinian Land Day – and was, as every week, attacked by Israeli forces with endless ...

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