Home / Ramallah


Sit-in in solidarity with Muhammad Al-Qiq at Birzeit University

33 year old jopurnalist, Mohammed al-Qeeq, in his hospital bed is today near death.

19th February 2016 |Birzeit University | Birzeit, Ramallah, occupied Palestine Birzeit University administration, Workers’ Union, and students organized a sit-in in solidarity with its former student and head of students council, Journalist Muhammad Al-Qiq, who has been on hunger strike ...

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Weeks of repression and resistance in Ni’lin

atop and climbing wall wm

15th January 2016 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah team | Ni’lin, occupied Palestine A walk through the olive groves of Ni’lin village, down the dirt road between stone walls and cacti and past the scattered remnants of spent tear gas canisters, grenades ...

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Hamze Marwan Abdomousa is asking for your support!


30th November 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Ramallah, occupied Palestine UPDATED: 28.12.2015 22 year old Hamze is still in prison after obtaining a 1 year sentence. The court also ruled he must pay a fine of 4.000 ...

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“The youth will not tire, ’till your independence”


November 7th, 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Nablus Team | Nablus, Occupied Palestine Today, at 6 pm local time in Occupied Jerusalem, Palestinians and supporters gathered in peaceful events all over the world to sing the “unofficial” Palestinian national anthem, Mawtini (In Arabic ...

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UN report: 3 Palestinians killed, 92 displaced in a week

Photo credit: The Palestinian Information Center

22nd August | The Palestinian Information Center | Occupied East Jerusalem OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– A report issued by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) showed the escalation of Israeli violations against Palestinian civilians in their occupied ...

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Israeli forces try to violently suppress protest in Jalazone

An Israeli soldier using a taxi full of people as a shield

14th June 2015 | International Solidarity Movement, Ramallah Team | Jalazone, Occupied Palestine On Friday June 12th in Jalazone, north of Ramallah, Israeli forces responded to a Palestinian protest against illegal Israeli settlements with rubber coated steel bullets, tear gas, ...

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