Impetus Inter
Impetus Inter – Havana
The Whole Music Club
Minneapolis, MN
Watch it Here
This is another band that used to shake the walls practicing at the THD House in Minneapolis. Mark lived there, and was in this band at the same time he was in Destroy!. Of course Erik was also in D4. Dave Hake always struck me as a very quite, very nice guy. Then he’d go down the basement and scream his lungs out.
From LastFM:
Impetus Inter were an emo /hardcore band, a ctive from 1994 to 1996.
History and Members:
Summer of 1994 – The West Coast Tour
“Classical” Impetus Inter:
- Mark Newman – Guitar
- Mark Wilcox – Guitar
- Amanda Huron – Drums
- Ian Rhoades – Bass
- David Hake – Vocals
- Valerie Taylor – Roadie and Artistic Consultant
- Andy Upright – Roadie
The West Coast Tour culminated in the recording of both the “Youth Jihad” 7” (Bloodlink) and the Self-Titled 7” on Three Speed Records. During Impetus Inter’s stay in San “Don’t Care Much About Places” Diego. Punctuated with van breakdowns and back breaking financial losses, Impetus Inter became a vehicle of resolve rather than dismay enjoying consecutive shows with emo movers and shakers who were the best and finest of their day. Impetus Inter continued to push forward. Ian left for Ecuador, and the long line of bass players began.
Patrik Dousa, Tara Anderson, and Tim Canan played bass in this interim period.
February and Summer of 1995 – The Ten Day Tour and North American Tour
“Empire” Impetus Inter:
- Mark Newman – Guitar
- Mark Wilcox – Guitar
- Amanda Huron – Drums
- Eric Funk – Bass
- David Hake – Vocals
- Valerie Taylor – Roadie
The fabled Ten Day Tour with Cerebellum label-mates Dillinger Four covered the Midwest interior, crystallized the “Candy Bars Are Easy” concept (petty theft is to be encouraged), and moved the ground for our grand constituency, with a great initial send off from the fabled Detroit Festival of 1995.