A fascinating
Catalan Opening example. It seems black had a potentially very interesting position after gambiting the c7 pawn, but proceeded to give up his light squared bishop and disintegrate very abruptly after an unexpected exchange sac. The problem with black relinquishing the light squared bishop could be viewed as giving
White a fantastic g2 fianchettoed bishop controlling the entire h1-a8 diagonal and supporting the extremely dangerous passed 'a' pawn in the end.
Black needed extreme precision to stay in the game and ideally head for an opposite coloured bishop scenario.
Instead the end position of the game shows not only a very dangerous passed a pawn but the
Knight on b1 being a trapped piece which is going to be picked up. A great advert for the
Catalan opening generally and how interesting issues emerge after Black ends up have to tend and carefully manage the backward c7 pawn.
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Event "
FIDE Grand Prix Baku"]
Site "Baku
Date "2014.10.13"]
[Round "10"]
[White "
Boris Gelfand"]
[Black "
Teimour Radjabov"]
Result "
[WhiteElo "2748"]
[BlackElo "2726"]
[PlyCount "55"]
[EventDate "2014.10.02"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 d5 4. g3 Be7 5. Bg2
O-O 6. O-O dxc4 (6
... c6 7. Qc2
Nbd7 8. Nbd2 b6 9. e4 Bb7 10. e5 Ne8 11. cxd5 cxd5 12. Re1 Rc8 13. Qa4 a5 14.
Nf1 Ba6 15. Qd1) 7. Qc2 a6 (
7... b5 8. Ne5 (8. a4 c6 (8... b4 9. Ne5 Qxd4 10.
Bxa8 Qxe5 11. Bf4 Qh5 12. Bf3) 9. axb5 cxb5 10. Ng5 Nd5) 8... Nd5) 8. Qxc4 b5
9. Qc2 Bb7 10. Bd2 Be4 (10... Nbd7 11. Ba5 Rc8 (11... Nb6 12. Nbd2) 12. Nbd2 (
12. b4 Nb8) 12... Qe8 13. b4 {
Misery for black!}) 11. Qc1 Bb7 (11... Nbd7 12.
Ba5 Rc8 13. Nbd2 Ba8 14. Qc2 Qe8 15. b4) (11... c5 12. dxc5 Nc6) 12. Bf4 (12.
Ba5 Nc6) 12... Nd5 13. Rd1 {rare move!} (13. Nc3 Nxf4 14. Qxf4 Nd7 15. Rfd1 Bd6
16. Qe3 Qe7 17. Ne5 Bxg2 18. Nxd7 Qxd7 19. Kxg2 f5) 13... Nxf4 14. Qxf4 Qd6 {
Strange idea.
Maybe nbd7 better} (14... Re8 15. Ne5 Bxg2 16. Qxf7+ Kh8 17. Kxg2
) (14... g5 15. Qc1) (14... Nd7) (14... Bd6 15. Qe3 Nd7 16. Nc3 Qe7) 15. Nbd2 (
15. Ne5) 15... Nd7 (15... Qxf4 16. gxf4 Rc8 17.
Rac1) (15... Rc8 16. Ne5) (
15... c5 16. Qxd6 Bxd6 17. dxc5 Bxc5 18. Rac1 (18. Ne5 Bxg2 19. Kxg2 Bb6 20.
Rac1 Rd8 21. Ne4) 18... Bb6 19. Nb3 Ra7 20. Ne5 Bxg2 21. Kxg2 Rc7) 16. Rac1 (
16. Qxd6 cxd6) 16... Rad8 (16... Rfc8 17. Ne5) 17. Nb3 (17. Rxc7 e5 18. Rxd7
exf4 19. Rxd6 Bxd6) 17... Bd5 (17... Qxf4 18. gxf4 Rc8 19. Ne5 Bxg2 20. Kxg2
Nxe5 21. fxe5) 18. Nfd2 Nb6 (18... Qxf4 19. gxf4 Bd6 (19... Nb6 20. Rxc7 Bd6
21. Ra7 Na4 22. e3 Nxb2 23. Rc1) 20. e3 Rfe8 (20... c6 21. Na5) 21. Bxd5 exd5
22. Na5 Rb8 23. Nf3 {White better}) 19. Rxc7 Bxb3 (19... e5 20. Qxe5 Qxe5 21.
dxe5 Bxb3 22. axb3 Bb4 23. Rc6 (23. Rc2) 23... Nc8 24. Rc2) (19... Qxf4 20.
gxf4 Bd6 21. Ra7 Na4 (21... Ra8 22. Rxa8 Rxa8 23. e3 Na4 24. Bxd5 exd5 25. Rc1
Nxb2 26. Rc6 Nc4) 22. Rb1 (22. Rxa6 Nxb2) 22... Ra8 {Much much better than the
game!}) 20. Nxb3 Nc4 {
Mistake - e5 seems stronger - to try and control the c
file at least!} (20... e5 21. Qc1 Rc8 (21... Nc4 22. Rc6) 22. Rxc8 Rxc8 23. Qb1
Nc4 24. e3 Rd8 25. Nc5 Qc7 26. Nxa6 Qa7 27. Nc5 exd4 28. exd4) 21. Qxd6 Bxd6
22. Ra7 a5 (22... Nxb2 23. Rc1 Rc8 (23... Nc4 24. Rxa6) 24. Rc6 Rxc6 25. Bxc6
Nd1 26. Rxa6 b4 27. Bf3 Rd8 28. Na5 Bf8 29. Nc6 Rc8 30. Rb6 g6 31. Nxb4 Rc1 32.
Kg2 Nc3 33. Nd3 Rd1 34. a4 Nxa4 35. Rb3) 23. Rb1 (23. Nxa5 Bc5 24. Rc7 Bb6 25.
Rxc4 bxc4 26. Nc6 Rd7 27. e3) 23... Bb4 (23... h6 24. Nxa5 Bb8 (24... Nxa5 25.
Rxa5 Bc7 26. Rxb5) 25. Ra8) 24. a3 Nd2 (24... Bd6 25. Nxa5) (24... a4 25. Nc5 (
25. Nd2) 25... Bxc5 26. dxc5 f5 (26... Rd2 27. Bc6) 27. c6) 25. axb4 (25. Nxd2
Bxd2 26. e3 (26. Rd1 Rxd4 27. e3 (27. Be4 Be3) 27... Bxe3) 26... Rc8 27. Bf1 (
27. Rd1 Rc2) 27... b4 (27... Rb8 28. Rd1) 28. Rd1 Rc2 29. axb4 Bxb4) 25... Nxb1
(25... Nxb3 26. bxa5 Rxd4 27. a6 Ra4 28. Bc6 Nd4 29. Bf3 Nxf3+ 30. exf3 g5 31.
Rd1 Kg7 32. Rdd7 {White with big advantage}) 26. bxa5 f5 (26... Rc8 27. Be4)
27. Rc7 e5 (27... Rc8 28. Rxc8 Rxc8 29. a6 e5 (29... Nd2 30. Nxd2 Rc1+ 31. Nf1
Ra1 32. Bb7) 30. a7 (30. dxe5) 30... e4) 28. Rc1 1-0 ►
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- published: 16 Oct 2014
- views: 8540