- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 195250
The Basilica della Santa Casa (English: Basilica of the Holy House) is a Catholic place of pilgrimage in Loreto, Italy, containing the house in which the Virgin Mary lived.
The basilica is a Late Gothic structure continued by Giuliano da Maiano, Giuliano da Sangallo and Donato Bramante. It is 93 meters long, 60 meters wide, and its campanile is 75.6 meters high.
The façade of the church was erected under Sixtus V, who fortified Loreto and gave it the privileges of a town (1586); his colossal statue stands in the middle of front steps. Over the principal doorway is a life-size bronze statue of the Virgin and Child by Girolamo Lombardo; the three superb bronze doors executed at the latter end of the 16th century and under Paul V (1605–1621) are also by Lombardo, his sons and his pupils, among them Tiburzio Vergelli, who also made the fine bronze font in the interior. The doors and hanging lamps of the Santa Casa are by the same artists.
The richly decorated campanile (1750 to 1754), by Vanvitelli, is of great height; the principal bell, presented by Leo X in 1516, weighs 11 tons. The interior of the church has mosaics by Domenichino and Guido Reni and other works of art, including statues by Raffaello da Montelupo. In the sacristies on each side of the right transept are frescoes, on the right by Melozzo da Forlì, on the left by Luca Signorelli. In both are fine intarsias. The basilica as a whole is thus a collaborative work by generations of architects and artists.
Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy, or simply Santa is a mythical figure with historical origins who, in many Western cultures, brings gifts to the homes of well-behaved, "good" children on Christmas Eve (24 December) and the early morning hours of Christmas Day (25 December). The modern Santa Claus is derived from the British figure of Father Christmas, the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, and Saint Nicholas, the historical Greek bishop and gift-giver of Myra. During the Christianization of Germanic Europe, this figure may also have absorbed elements of the god Odin, who was associated with the Germanic pagan midwinter event of Yule and led the Wild Hunt, a ghostly procession through the sky.
Santa Claus is generally depicted as a portly, joyous, white-bearded man—sometimes with spectacles—wearing a red coat with white collar and cuffs, white-cuffed red trousers, and black leather belt and boots and who carries a bag full of gifts for children. Images of him rarely have a beard with no moustache. This image became popular in the United States and Canada in the 19th century due to the significant influence of the 1823 poem "A Visit From St. Nicholas" and of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. This image has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, children's books and films.
La Casa may refer to:
Santa María (with diacritic over the "i") or Santa Maria may refer to:
José Bezerra da Silva (b. Feb. 23, 1927, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil - d. Jan 17, 2005, Rio de Janeiro) was a Brazilian samba musician of the partido alto style.
Bezerra da Silva played zabumba as a child and sang coco in Recife. He moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1942, and in 1950, Rádio Clube do Brasil hired him as a session musician. In 1960 he became a member of the Orquestra Copacabana Discos of Sao Paulo, and in the 1970s and 1980s he performed with the Orquestra da TV Globo. He recorded his first singles in 1969, and went on to release 30 albums over the course of his career, charting many hits in his native country. His music often deals with political and social issues, touching on gang violence, the drug trade, and the law.
Bezerra became known for recording sambas from unfamed and marginalized composers, which were often people living in difficulties and dealing with criminal environments, who wrote with sharp irony. The label sambandido (samba + bandit) was sometimes used to refer to his work, and he strongly disliked the word. One of his greatest hits, which was rerecorded several times by various artists, is Malandragem Dá Um Tempo, whose chorus is I'm going to roll, but I won't light it now, an allusion to the efforts marijuana users make in order to avoid the law.
Apresentação musical de Carlinhos Conceição no evento comemorativo dos 15 Anos do Clube de Arte, realizado no Grupo Espírita Eurípedes Barsanulpho, Recreio, RJ. Música de Carlinhos Conceição. Vídeo produzido pelo Clube de Arte e exibido na WebTV Nova Luz tvnovaluz.com.
SUSCRÍBETE ►https://goo.gl/K4colV - La casa de Santa Claus, una atracción turística bastante bien montada, de la que deberíamos aprender y copiar (¿no estaría bien una casa de Don Quijote?) Distributed by Tubemogul.
Vamos a visitar la casa de Santa Claus, conoceremos a la señora Claus que nos preparará galletas y veremos cómo los elfos fabrican y reparan los juguetes que luego Santa Claus repartirá entre todos los niños del mundo. No te pierdas la Feria de Navidad https://youtu.be/HxBH_eeYLa4?list=PLxFKewvNaLvuWAqIuqlNho5jlLnni1yzS Suscríbete, es Gratis! http://goo.gl/jr26IW Todos mis vídeos: http://goo.gl/zulsbX Facebook: http://goo.gl/T81W1a Twitter: http://goo.gl/MiKX80 Google+: http://goo.gl/Zii4Ae No te pierdas la review de... Feria de Navidad con Noria, Carrusel, Niños patinando y Barco - Especial Navidad 2015 https://youtu.be/HxBH_eeYLa4?list=PLxFKewvNaLvuWAqIuqlNho5jlLnni1yzS Star Wars Calendario de Adviento de Lego - Especial Navidad 2015 https://youtu.be/gOEZMPGUv94?list=PLxFKewvNaLvuWA...
Bezerra da Silva Gospel Conselho de Luz Bezerra da Silva em seu 1º e unico cd gospel, musica gospel
Main, La Casa de la Felicidad. Vida de Santa Maria Dominga Mazzarello
Culto de Enseñanza Jueves 27/09/12 Evangelista Dina Santa María Dina Santamaria en Casa de Oracion Bolivia, en la ciudad de Santa Cruz de la Sierra Av. Japon #3330
SUSCRÍBETE: http://bit.ly/1aKpOCE Síguenos en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/huevocartoonpuntocom Síguenos en Twitter: http://twitter.com/huevocartoon Sitio web: http://huevocartoon.com/ Si siempre quisiste saber por qué Santa no le trae regalos a todos los niños del mundo, ésta es la verdadera razón. If you always wanted to know why Santa doesn't bring presents to all the children in the world, in this video you will find out the reason.
[EN] Final stages of Gaudí's masterpiece. --- [CA] Recta final de l'obra mestra de Gaudí. --- [ES] Recta final de la obra maestra de Gaudí. Production|Realització|Realización: Joan Carles Vendrell
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JTB:カプリ島も訪れるぎゅぎゅっとイタリア8 ローマのサンタ・スザンナ教会。 共和国広場からほど近いところに位置する「サンタ・スザンナ教会」。バロック様式の教会で、近くにはバロック装飾の典型として知られる「サンタ・マリア・デッラ・ヴィットリア教会」もある。 「サンタ・スザンナ教会」のファザードはボッロミーニの師カルロ・マデリノがデザインしたもので、1603年に完成した。身廊にはバルダッサーレ・クローチェの見事なフレスコ画を見ることができる。 La chiesa di Santa Susanna è una delle chiese più antiche di Roma, situata nel Rione Trevi. Nelle strutture della chiesa sono stati osservati resti di un edificio romano di epoca imperiale. Fu elevata a titolo cardinalizio sul sito delle case di Gabinio e Caio, intitolata alla martire Susanna. Scavi del XIX secolo hanno effettivamente portato alla luce, sotto la confessione (cioè l'altare edificato sul luogo del martirio), i resti di una casa romana del III secolo, ora visibili attraverso la pavimentazione in vetro della sacrestia. Altri scavi del 1990 hanno riport...
official site :http://www.sant-andrea-roma.it/jmla15/ Lungo Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, allo sbocco di Corso Rinascimento, s'innalza la facciata di una tra le più monumentali chiese romane, emblema, insieme al Gesù e a S. Ignazio, della Chiesa della Controriforma, tempio principale di quell'ordine dei Teatini, che fu uno dei più rigidi ed intransigenti baluardi dell'ortodossia tridentina. Sebbene iniziata nel 1591, venne fatta rientrare tra le chiese barocche del Seicento poiché la sua costruzione e decorazione si prolungò molto oltre nel secolo seguente. Il progetto iniziale fu dell'architetto Olivieri, poi proseguito dal teatino padre Grimaldi; infine ai primi del nuovo secolo, ingenti stanziamenti consentirono la rapida costruzione dell'edificio ad opera di Carlo Maderno che giunse a...
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Alberti, Façade of Santa Maria Novella, Florence, 1470. Speakers: Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris
Il Santuario di Castelpetroso tra storia e leggenda A poca distanza da Castelpetroso, a Nord della strada nazionale che porta ad Isernia, si eleva una roccia che, nella cima, raggiunge ottocento metri di altezza. Sulla roccia, che nel secolo scorso appariva brulla e sassosa, completamente spoglia di ogni vegetazione, domina oggi, maestoso, il Santuario della Madonna di Castelpetroso, che è divenuto meta continua di pellegrinaggi da parte di fedeli di ogni paese. Una tradizione viva nel popolo vuole che in questa roccia, che perciò è chiamata la Santa Rupe delle Apparizioni, sia apparsa la Vergine a due contadine di Castelpetroso. Era il 22 marzo del 1888: una delle pazze giornate di marzo in cui ad improvvisi sprazzi di sole si succedono folate violente di vento e piogge dirotte. Era sera...
The Bronze Doors Cardinal Antonio Maria Gallo, Protector of the Shrine between 1587 and 1620, decreed to have built for the jubilee in the year 1600 the three bronze doors that embellish the facade of the Basilica. The commission intended that the biblical subjects depicted on the doorsshould accompany the pilgrims spiritually to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation, of which the Holy House serves ad a reminder. The three portals were produced in the foundry of Recanati and recently restored by the Morigi firm.(1988-1992). The central door is the work of Antonio di Girolamo Lombardo, assisted by his brothers Pietro, Paolo e Giacomo. Work started in 1590 and was completed in 1610. From http://www.santuarioloreto.it/en_internal_standard.asp?body=as03&sezione;=as LOMBARDO (Solari), Gi...
© CLAUDIO MORTINI™◊ La Corsica è una terra di contrasti. "L'isola della bellezza", come si usa chiamare, è una vera montagna nel mare. Saint-Florent è innanzitutto una stazione balneare moderna che ha saputo restare un villaggio ancorato alle sue tradizioni. Il suo porto turistico, posto ai piedi dei bastioni della cittadella genovese, è sicuramente uno dei più belli del mediterraneo. Lungo le banchine colorate e pittoresche, i ristoranti tipici vi attendono per una degustazione di prodotti locali. Situata in fondo ad una meravigliosa baia circondata dalle montagne del Nebbio e del Cap-Corse, la città è un passaggio obbligato per chi desidera fare il giro dell'isola. Un po' di storia : è nel 1440 che i Genovesi edificarono in questo luogo una cittadella che resterà fino al XVIII se...
Casa de Oracion en Santa Cruz Bolivia
Semana Santa 2001 - aquellos maravillosos años!! (subido por Manu Vidal)
Assista em direto aos concertos do palco santa casa no MEO SUDOESTE 2016
Once upon a time, a time, a time, a time, a time, a time
I lived here
Once upon a time, a time, a time, a time, a time, a time
I lived here
I lay my head on a pillow of sky
and I kiss the wind
and heard it sigh
Once upon a time
I lived here
In the fever of a dream, a dream, a dream, a dream, a dream, a dream
I loved here
In the fever of a dream, a dream, a dream, a dream, a dream, a dream
I loved here
Fell, heart and body
soul and mind
I left all over worlds
In the fever of a dream
I loved here
The hour has come, its come, its come, its come, its come, its come, its come, its come
to leave here
The hour has come, its come, its come, its come, its come, its come, its come, its come
to leave here
I'll take whatever
is mine to take
Free my heart before
it breaks
The hour has come