What if Hitchcock got it all backwards in “The Birds”?


I was recently revisiting a 2011 study involving crows that proved — yet again — how humans are the only species supercilious enough to be astonished when another species performs “advanced cognitive tasks.” (Humans, for that matter, are also the only ones arrogant enough to believe “advanced cognitive tasks” could and should remain constant from species to species.)

The study “found” (among other things) that crows “remember the faces of threatening humans and often react by scolding and bringing in others to mob the perceived miscreant.”

Perceived? Only a human would insert that qualifier when myriad aspects of modern miscreant, I mean, human behavior — e.g. habitat fragmentation and environmental toxins — present a clear and present threat to global bird populations.

  handpointRTig Please click here to read my full article!

Blowing up a dam is terrorism…except when it isn’t


The title of a March 3, 2016 article definitely baited me to click: “1.5 Million May Die if Mosul Dam Fails: Iraq Expert.” From the article:

“The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad said a collapse of the dam in the north of country would be ‘serious and unprecedented.’ Some 500,000 and 1.47 million Iraqis would ‘probably would not survive’ the wave, while water could reach depths of 45 feet in the nearby city of Mosul, it said in a statement.”

Even a skeptic might easily imagine that Iraq’s failing infrastructure would include its dams. But what if I reminded you that Mosul is an ISIS stronghold? And what if I added that U.S. and Iraqi forces are planning a massive, collaborative attack on ISIS in Mosul?

  handpointRTig Please click here to read my full article!

Dear world, I’m sorry for being such a vegan

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Hey, Mickey Z. here. Formerly “Mickey Z-vegan.” You know, the keynote speaker each year at the Veggie Pride Parade, the guy with the raised fist and a million vegan-related articles and talks and protests under his belt and…well, I could continue with my lengthy resume but it’s not as if any of my activism did a damn thing. Either way, I’m not here to boast. I’m here to apologize.

My heart was in the right place. Really, it was. I may have behaved like an asshole at times but it was never my intention (if that means anything). That’s the only excuse I can honestly offer so, with that out of the way, let’s get this thing started before I change my mind.

 handpointRTig Please click here to read my article!