John Oliver on Apple vs FBI and the new crypto wars

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John Oliver continues to deliver the best comedy tech analysis in the business, with an epic rant/explainer that delves into Apple vs FBI and the new crypto wars with scathing wit and deep, technical truth that's made miraculously accessible to a general audience. Read the rest

John Oliver: why do we only talk about mental health after mass-shootings?


John Oliver's segment on mass-shootings and mental health makes all the right points: making the issue about mental health instead of guns stigmatizes mentally ill people (who are more likely to be shot than shoot someone), but since we're on the subject, the American mental health system is a disgrace. Read the rest

Why is LGBT discrimination still legal?

It's Monday, which means an amusing and blistering John Oliver segment! Last night's subject: that it's legal to remove someone from their job or rented home on grounds of their sexuality. Read the rest

Televangelists are con artists, and they are thriving

They know who is weak and why they are weak, and they have a brand for them: "seed faith."

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John Oliver on the challenges facing transgender people


It's been a big year for "the T in LGBT," Oliver says, but "even when the news media is trying to be supportive, they can make dumb mistakes … we are weirdly comfortable celebrating trans people while dehumanizing them." Read the rest

John Oliver on Civil Forfeiture

As always, John Oliver's take on something newsworthy, corrupt, and jaw-droppingly absurd manages to nail it straight through the beating heart. Read the rest