

The Alt Right: Not Anonymous Losers—But Winners With Something To Lose (That’s The Problem)

UK journalist and provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos(above) recently undertook the heroic task last of defending the Alt Right against the onslaught from Conservatism Inc. (and Libertarianism Inc.) hacks. Not only did Milo reject the usual charges of racism, anti-Semitism etc.—he pushed back against the far more damaging charge the Alt Right is composed of “losers.” Unlike most Alt Right critics, Milo has actually spent time with its leaders (to the extent that the movement has readers), noting they have no problem inviting “Jewish gays [himself] and mixed-race [his co-author Allum Bokhari] Breitbart reporters to their secret dinner parties.” Based on his interactions, “one thing stands out above all else: intelligence.” [ An Establishment Conservative's Guide to the Alt-Right, by Allum Bokhari & Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart, March 29, 2016]

Theoretically, “intelligence” shouldn’t matter. The ideas the Alt Right promotes are either correct or not, regardless of whether their progenitors are, in Milo’s words, “formidably smart and very funny” or, as GOP consultant Rick Wilson claims, “childless single men who masturbate to anime”. [ MSNBC Guest: Trump's 'Alt-Right' Fans 'Childless Single Men Who Masturbate to Anime' , by Josh Feldman, Mediaite, January 19, 2016]

But politics isn’t about critical thinking. Movements don’t succeed because they avoid logical fallacies or because their ideas are logically consistent. Insofar as the Alt Right has succeeded recently, it’s been because it appears as a young and dynamic movement rather than a collection of boring old men.

Indeed, the triumph of the Left over American Read more >>

Can the GOP Get Together in Cleveland?

After winning only six delegates in Wisconsin, and with Ted Cruz poaching delegates in states he has won, like Louisiana, Donald Trump either wins on the first ballot at Cleveland, or Trump does not win.

Yet, as that huge, roaring reception he received in his first post-Wisconsin appearance in Bethpage, Read more >>

I’m Proud, I’m White, and I Gotta Song to Sing: Merle Haggard’s Middle American Radicalism

withguitarandbootsCountry legend Merle Haggard died on April 6, his seventy ninth birthday. While he will be best remembered for his music, Haggard’s career was always tied up with politics, whether he liked it or not. More than any other entertainer, Haggard was known as the voice of the silent majority—and the “Middle American Radicals” analyzed by the late Samuel T. Francis in Revolution From the Middle (1997) and rediscovered by Donald Trump.

His 1969 breakthrough hit Okie from Muskogee, opened with the famous lines
We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee;

We don't take no trips on LSD

We don't burn no draft cards down on Main Street;

We like livin' right, and bein' free.

The Return Of Eugenics—Or Something

wireless[Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, now available exclusively on (the transcript is now up.)]

What a technologically tremendous time we've been living through this past few decades! That thought was inspired by the death last week of Andrew Grove, former CEO of Intel Corporation, and a key player in the computing revolution of the past half-century.

I made my living for thirty years in Big Iron, the grand old mainframe computers of the seventies, eighties, and nineties. Software was my trade; I didn't engage much with hardware. You couldn't help but brush up against some of the developments, though, if you lived through those decades.

A memory: When I was a kid, there was a lad my age in the street whose parents spoiled him rotten. He always had the latest toy or gadget. I think every street has one of these when you're a kid. Well, at some date in the late 1950s this boy showed up holding a fancy blue box the size of a dictionary that played music without being plugged into anything! "It's a transistor radio," he announced smugly. We were suitably impressed, as we digested our wormwood and gall.

William Shockley was getting the Nobel Prize around the same time—sixty years ago this year—for having invented the Read more >>

Ann Coulter: Cruz Only Won Wisconsin By Flip-Flopping To Trumpian Immigration Patriotism

511nk5odwLL._SY344_BO1204203200_-198x300[1]Congratulations to Ted Cruz for winning his fourth primary! Usually Donald Trump wins the primaries—where you go and vote, like in a real election. Cruz wins the caucuses—run by the state parties, favored by political operators and cheaters.

Until now, the only primaries Cruz has won are in Texas (his home state), Oklahoma (basically the same state) and Idaho (where Trump never campaigned).

So now, Cruz has finally won an honest-to-goodness primary. This is great news for him, provided: (1) the general election is a caucus, and (2) the national media universally denounce Cruz's Democratic opponent the same way the Wisconsin media denounced Trump.

In that case, Cruz should do fine.

The Cruz-bots don't care. They don't care that they're being used as a cat's-paw by the Never Trump crowd, and that a brokered Republican convention is more likely to end with Bernie as the nominee than Cruz.

The Cruz cultists don't even care about plain honesty, which I always thought was a conservative value. Republicans used to be appalled by guttersnipe, lying political operators like the Clintons. Now they are guttersnipe, lying political operators like the Clintons.

It's all hands on deck to stop the only presidential candidate who wants to save America from the cheap labor plutocrats.

Cruz has flipped to Trump's side on every Read more >>

Academe Finally Discovers Right-Wing Critics Of Conservatism Inc. Will MSM Be Next?

hawleycriticsDr. George Hawley, [Email him] an assistant professor at the University of Alabama, has provided a badly-needed public service by producing Right-Wing Critics of American Conservatism. Hawley’s work, published by an outstanding press for American studies at the University of Kansas, should bring him much deserved attention. Of course it’s ridiculous that America has had to wait so long for a scholarly work specifically devoted to what readers would consider the genuine Right.  But the fact is that, as far as the Main Stream Media was concerned, the GOP Establishment and its Conservatism Inc. flunkies was the “extreme Right”—until they met Donald Trump.

Throughout his book, Hawley feels the need to signal his disapproval of some views he discusses. This may simply be the price of publication. If I were young enough to be considered for tenure in the average political science department at an American university, I too would spray my books with PC bromides in order to keep the Leftist lunatics off my back. Given the imbalance of forces, we should thank Hawley for daring to treat our side with even a modicum of respect.

We are that part of the American Right which both the Republican Establishment and neoconservative journalists have succeeded in “throwing off the bus,” as Jonah Goldberg characterized this salvific (for him) process. [ The Logic of the Conservative Purges , by Paul Gottfried, Radix, September 9, 2015]

But Hawley accurately notes the never-ending purge has left political discourse in the United States “calcified.” So he seeks to rescue these “right wing critics” by comprehensively profiling the wide variety of thought his subjects represent. We encounter paleoconservatives, paleolibertarians, market anarchists, neopagan followers of the European New Right, white nationalists, and racial realists. There’s even a cameo appearance by the Dark Enlightenment. readers may be bothered to find David Duke and Pat Buchanan being juxtaposed in Hawley’s narrative. Read more >>

A Veteran Burned Himself Alive In Front Of A VA Clinic–Will The Press Ask Obama About It?

What does a suffering military veteran have to do to force an unresponsive government to change its ways?

How about self-immolating in front of his VA clinic? Hello, paper-pushers and desk jockeys? Are you there? Would the heat, the smoke and the smell of burning flesh rouse you in the least?

Nope. Apparently, even this horror is not enough to move the inert bureaucrats at the Department of Veterans Affairs—let alone the indifferent tango dancer-in-chief.

While President Obama sashayed in Buenos Aires two weeks ago, proud Navy veteran Charles Richard Ingram III, 51, made his last life's journey. He walked nine miles from his home in Egg Harbor Township, N.J., to the curb in front of the Northfield, N.J., VA clinic on New Road.

With a large blue wooden cross looming on the side of a chapel in the background, Ingram stood on the lawn, poured gas all over his body and lit a match. A firefighter told The Daily Beas t that the retired chief petty officer, known as "Rich" to family and friends, was "100 percent burned." A bystander had rushed to his side with blankets to snuff out the flames and first responders arrived within minutes.

But it was too late.m

Where-mr-ingram-died-1024x768CPO Ingram leaves behind a grieving wife, two young children ages 3 and 5, and a charred patch of brown and blackened grass 75 feet from the entrance of the VA's Atlantic County Community Based Outpatient Clinic.

The bloated VA system now employs nearly 400,000 people to carry out its purported "mission of caring." The CBOCs were established to "to more efficiently and Read more >>
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