New Internationalist


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Why don’t they go and look?

Forget number-crunching; development workers need to get out into the field to understand poverty, writes Maggie Black

Filed in: Development (Aid) NGOs

G7’s ‘New Alliance’ deal is failing farmers in Africa

Aisha Dodwell argues that such schemes only line transnationals’ pockets.

Filed in: Africa Agriculture Development Development (Aid) Tanzania

The UN sustainable development goals miss the point

It’s all about power, argues Nick Dearden.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Poverty UN

Calling time on the MDGs

No development process succeeds without the participation of those it targets, argues Maggie Black.

Filed in: Development (Aid) Human Rights

Why are NGOs so reluctant to help Greece?

As the island of Lesvos is overwhelmed with immigrants, the world of aid looks on. Beulah Devaney reports.

Filed in: Development Greece NGOs Refugees

Eight ways to help stop human trafficking in Nepal

Women and children are even more vulnerable following the earthquakes, writes Beulah Devaney, so what can we do?

Filed in: Disasters NGOs Nepal

When life comes crashing down

The Nepal earthquake has devastated an already-poor nation. What next? asks Mari Marcel Thekaekara.  

Filed in: Development Disasters Nepal

EU ups its tropical forest-related aid

On the face of it, this is good news, says Saskia Ozinga – but only if local communities have a say in how the money is spent.

Filed in: Conservation Development Europe Forests

Use the power of the people to challenge the people in power!

The NGO sector must support activism, not governments. Ben Phillips sees positive signs of this happening.

Filed in: Activism NGOs Tunisia

Is all charity good charity?

Ben Greenhalgh argues that our trickle-down charitable giving may be misdirected.

Filed in: NGOs

The unwelcome return of development pornography

John Hilary on a degrading spectacle that keeps coming back.

Filed in: Children Development NGOs Poverty

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