Anarchist Bookfair posters and flyers! Hot off the Press!

We’ve got loads of the new London 2015 bookfair flyers and posters at the shop.

If you want some for your space, event, walls etc, then pop in and pick some up.

Hurry, there’s only 5 months left to go!

Fire at AK Press

As many of you will have heard, the building next door to AK Press warehouse in Oakland caught fire on March 21st 2015. Two people lost their lives. Severe water and fire damage has affected AK Press, 1984 Printing and… Continue reading

Rebel Footprints is here!

David Rosenberg (of East End Walks fame) has written another book about London and its rebellious and sometimes forgotten history.

We have it for sale in the shop and online, but more excitingly will be having David Rosenberg… Continue reading

Crimethinc’s Anarchist Appeal

We have in the shop the new pamphlet from Crimethinc Ex-workers Collective.

Its part of a new anarchist outreach project that they’ve begun. Its very ambitious. You can pick up your copy for free in the shop, or… Continue reading

Burnt books for Sale

In February 2013 the shop was set on fire in the early hours of the morning. The response from everyone was great and loads of money was raised in the following months from all over the world. Those donations helped… Continue reading

We’ve got posters from the Beehive Collective! Oh yeah.

I’m really excited to have two of the fantastic Beehive Collective posters available in the shop. We have the last two posters produced by the collective, the Mesoamerica Resiste and The True Cost of Coal.

The… Continue reading

Knitting- round 2


Unsurprisingly we didn’t manage to raise £3000 for a new boiler from the last knitting evening. We did have a good evening though. So…we’re doing it again! Come down to Freedom Bookshop on Sunday the 11th of Jan at… Continue reading

We’re busy with the festive season right now…

…we’ll be back on the 2nd of January at 12 o’clock.

Phone line not working

If you phone the bookshop it will sound like it’s ringing, but at our end not a peep. Sorry if you’ve called and had no answer. If you need to contact us we’ll be checking our email ( shop(@) )… Continue reading

Its that time of year again…

Come visit us at the shop for the annual Solstismuss gathering.

We’ll be here from 2pm on Sunday 21st of December: sitting around chatting, eating our nibbles and drinking our refreshments.

Dogs welcome.

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