
Interview with the Catholic Worker Movement

Scott in a tent (credit indymedia)

As we head into autumn the thoughts of many anarchists in the south of England turn to the Anarchist Bookfair, being held this year at Central St Martin’s near Kings Cross Station, a highlight in the anarchist… Continue reading

From the Land of Proudhon, vol. 4

Karl Marx: Not Infallible

The French Marxist philosopher Étienne Balibar, a pupil of Louis Althuser, published in 1993 The Philosophy of Marx. This text is now, after twenty years, republished. In a new introduction, he asks”: what is the… Continue reading

The Militarisation of Israeli Society

In the second blog from Nikki Ray in our series about life under Israeli occupation, Nikki dicusses the many ways in which Israeli society has become militarised, and how this affects both the occupied and the occupiers.

Only 2 countries in… Continue reading

Green Anarchism: Towards the Abolition of Hierarchy

Freedom presents an essay by contributor Corin Bruce, intended as an  introduction to ‘green anarchism’ and the ways in which it can challenge hierarchies.

In the last few decades new forms of activism have begun to emerge that concerned not… Continue reading

World War One and 100 Years of Counter-Revolution

Otto Dix, Stormtroopers Advance Under Cover of Gas, 1924

One hundred years on from the start of the First World War, Mark Kosman reflects on the nature of war and the class struggle throughout the last century and asks the… Continue reading

Launch Party! Friday 25th July, 7pm!

That’s right folks, Freedom News will be having a launch party this Friday! To celebrate the official catapulting of Freedom into the sparkly stratosphere of online news sites, Freedom Bookshop in Aldgate will play host to a night of… Continue reading

Shoplifters of the working class unite!

In this piece by Parris Komyune, of the blog Lenin was a Cheeseboard, the morality of expropriation (i.e. nicking stuff, you probably earned it anyway) is explored, and the excuses against it are confronted with the realities created by… Continue reading

Books behind bars

Rob Ray talks to Lee Humphries, founder of prisoner support charity Haven Distribution, which specialises in educational literature Continue reading

Sex is not the Enemy

Gyorgy Furiosa on the lads’ mag and page three debate Continue reading

Truth about the Olympics

The brutal truth about the London Olympics

Violence, cover-ups and dirty secrets litter the 2012 Games (article from Freedom, June 2012)

Mike Wells has been covering the London 2012 Olympics as a photographer and reporter on the Games… Continue reading