
COP21: the time of the counter-summit is over

With critical support, we went to the COP21 counter summit and found State repression, coercive pacifists and a lack of revolt.

State of Repression

The build-up to the COP21 set the tone for the entirety of the counter-summit.  Although the… Continue reading

When they say gangs, they mean the poor: Armed patrols to begin in London

Armed copper at the Ministry of Defence

At nine o’clock in the morning on December 11th, police shot a man dead on Bracknell Close in Wood Green. As part of an “intelligence-led” operation, armed officers in balaclavas shot him as… Continue reading

‘North of the Watford Gap’: Resistance beyond Central London

The Rebecca Riots of 1843.

You are holding a black-and-white photograph. It shows a woman holding a union placard. It shows a picket line, scab vans, Labour politicos, a man dirty and tired from his work. You are holding the… Continue reading

Students, Class and Wildcat Strikes: Why free education must have a basis in working-class struggle

Reaching its second day on Friday, the wildcat strike and picket at the School of Oriental and African Studies was successful in putting further pressure on management to lift the suspension of union representative Sandy Nicoll.

The suspension comes in… Continue reading

Hipsterphobia Sails Close to Homophobia and Gendered Norms [3/3]

This the final article from Cava Sunday’s blog on anti-hipster politics, reposted with permission.

This has been really difficult to write. I have been poring over it for days trying to make what seemed to be gutteral, knee-jerk reactions seem… Continue reading

Arguments against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party

We are in a period when the Labour Party is, again, pretending that it can protect people in Britain from the ravages of a crisis-ridden capitalist system. The best arguments against the Labour Party will arise when strikes, occupations and… Continue reading

The gang system in Coventry

The gang system

in Coventry


REG WRIGHT is a Coventry engineering worker who has spent a life-time in the motor, aircraft and textile industries, One of the pioneers of the gang system in its present form, he has… Continue reading

Approaches to industrial democracy

Approaches to

industrial democracy


GEOFFREY OSTERGAARD, born at Staploe, Beds. 1926, lectures in political science at Birmingham University and was recently visiting fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. He was the author, with J. A. Banks, of… Continue reading

Festung Europa: Discrimination Against Roma Rife In Eastern Europe

Roma demonstrate in Czech Republic. Photo taken by author

The tragedy and desperation of this summer’s Mediterranean human trafficking has slowly drawn blood even from the stone of David Cameron’s largely retiring isolationism, and united an unsteady Europe in sharing the… Continue reading

Education, equality, opportunity

Education, equality, opportunity

John Ellerby

ULTIMATELY THE SOCIAL FUNCTION of education is to perpetuate society: it is the socialising function. Society guarantees its future by rearing its children in its own image. In traditional society the peasant rears his sons… Continue reading