The struggle against climate change can only happen in reality

The internet. Source wikimedia

With an ecological crisis currently at hand, there is no time to waste to fight for a health inhabitable planet. Climate scientists are warning governments that the tipping point may have past and the climate could… Continue reading

Holding Space: Eviction Resistance at the squatted Hope and Anchor

Squatters in Mornington Crescent successfully resisted a second eviction attempt on Wednesday. In another show of strength and solidarity by London squatters, thirty to forty people turned out against the bailiffs. Banners were dropped opposing the Housing Bill and evictions… Continue reading

The left needs to stop celebrating the resignation of Iain Duncan Smith

Based on the reaction of usually coherent lefties on my social media feeds you’d have thought Margaret Thatcher had been resurrected from the grave, only to be slaughtered by the ghost of Tony Benn. On the 18th of March 2016… Continue reading

When Marches Work

The largest climate march in history attended by luminaries like Ban Ki Moon and Al Gore. Did it achieve anything? Not really. By Beyond My Ken – Own work, GFDL,

By Graham of East London Radical Assembly and London… Continue reading

Only working-class self-organisation will kill the housing bill

The Aylesbury Estate

With the Housing Bill about to come into effect, conditions are looking bleak for the working class. The Bill follows a plethora of attacks on poor people, the most notable of which are the benefit cap and… Continue reading

Fuck Parade: Inspired and Agenda Setting

The estate agents survived fuck parade 3 and lives on to sell more expensive property

I have to admit I was extremely cool about the idea of the Fuck Parade when I first heard about. Class War were engaged in… Continue reading

It’s hard to care about litter whilst the government cuts the legs out from underneath deprived communities

The #cleanforthequeen campaign is disgusting. Whilst communities across the country suffer from long term deprivation,  austerity and gentrification, the campaign – backed by Country Life and Keep Britain Tidy –  expects people to do hours of unpaid… Continue reading

SLAP! – Squatters of London Action Paper Issue 2 Released

Issue 2 of SLAP! has been released today with all the latest squatter news in London. Check out it out below and download the PDF with the link at the bottom of this post. 

Download the PDF here: SLAP 2

From Dover to Calais to Brussels, the border regime is in violent panic

Tear-gas attack by riot cops in Calais

The recent anti-migrant demonstration by the National Front and other assorted fascist backwash is among a rising tide of violence against migrants. People asserting their freedom to move across borders are met with… Continue reading

MPs Are Scared. So They Should Be!

source: wikimedia

The recent report into violence and aggression shown towards MPs reveals an astonishing lack of awareness amongst our elected representatives when it comes to the effects of their policies. Whingeing about violence they receive at the hands of… Continue reading