Top Health Concerns



Bloat is of foremost concern to the AKC Canine Health Foundation and its donors, and as such will require a major research effort to identify the underlying mechanisms of this disease. In response to donor concern, we are launching a Bloat Research Initiative to better define, and ultimately eradicate, bloat in dogs.

CHF Bloat Initiative >>

Understanding Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus or "Bloat" >>

Watch Webinar on Bloat: What Every Dog Owner Needs to Know >>

 Canine Cancer

Cancer can be a devastating diagnosis for both humans and our beloved canine companions. There are over 77 million owned dogs in the United States and a fourth will develop cancer - including those in the bone, breast, pancreas, liver, prostate, lung, and skin. Veterinarians report that owners increasingly want to treat their pets rather than just managing their discomfort, but treatment options are limited and cost of radiation and chemotherapy can be prohibitive. The AKC Canine Health Foundation is committed to funding studies that will prevent, treat and hopefully one day cure canine cancers.

Learn More About Canine Cancer >>


epilepsy-blue-boxEpilepsy is a general term for neurological conditions that cause seizures. It is among the most common neurological disorders in dogs.  Any breed of dog and mixed-breeds can be affected by epilepsy. Epilepsy can be heritable and some breeds are believed to be predisposed to the condition.

Read more about our Epilepsy Initiative >>


woman hugging a great daneDespite a sufficient understanding of the mechanisms underlying acquired canine hypothyroidism, diagnosis of the disease is not straightforward and remains one of the greatest challenges in veterinary medicine. Age, breed and systemic illness all affect thyroid hormone concentrations, and clinical signs of hypothyroidism are often indistinguishable from other diseases. As such, veterinarians and breeders know that hypothyroidism is commonly over-diagnosed in the dog. CHF is pleased to announce the funding of a new grant that will investigate three novel diagnostic methods that investigators believe will provide a more accurate diagnosis than the currently available tests.

Learn More about the Hypothyroidism Focus >>

Help Future Generations of Dogs

Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.

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Help Future Generations of Dogs

Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.

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