How We Work

The AKC Canine Health Foundation (CHF) is the largest nonprofit organization funding exclusively canine health research. Our success is a result of a unique grants process and a strong network of supporters and experts.

It all starts with donations from individual dog lovers, dog clubs, foundations and corporations. Our supporters trust us to use our funds for innovative and sound scientific research. 

We achieve success through a distinctive grants process. We gather information about canine health priorities from the AKC Parent Clubs, as well as dog owners, breeders, veterinarians, academic institutions, and researchers. We encourage our investigators to submit applications based on this feedback. The unique relationship with Parent Clubs enables us to address the health concerns for the entire canine species. Furthermore, dog owners and club members are able to invest in scientific research without needing expertise in the field. They can leave the expertise up to the Foundation.

Our established grants review process is rigorous and stringent. Depending on the type of proposal, applications may be reviewed by the CHF Scientific Review Committee, subjected to reviews by experts in the application's field of study, or both. We go to great lengths to make certain that funded research is of the highest quality and thereby ensure that the results are significant and add to the body of research. Because of the similarities between humans and canines, research funded by CHF often provides information for discoveries in human medicine, as well. Not only are we helping our beloved companions, but we are helping ourselves.

More about the AKC Canine Health Foundation

Mission and Goals >>

View our Research Portfolio >>

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Grant Application Process >>

Help Future Generations of Dogs

Participate in canine health research by providing samples or by enrolling in a clinical trial. Samples are needed from healthy dogs and dogs affected by specific diseases.

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