Four days in, and the BBC hasn't even mentioned the biggest bribery scandal in history


On Wednesday, Fairfax and Huffington Post broke the Unaoil story, revealing that they had been leaked a trove of email from an obscure Monaco family business that had acted as a global fixer in bribery and bid-rigging that looted the treasuries and oil-fields of some of the world's poorest countries, from Iraq to Yemen, acting on behalf of blue-chip companies like Rolls-Royce and Halliburton.

By week's end, police in the UK, US and Australia announced criminal investigations against top executives, and the Monaco police raided Unaoil's HQ.

But the BBC -- a national broadcaster charged with impartially reporting on the news -- has literally never mentioned Unaoil in any of its online news coverage. Many of the companies involved in the scandal are headquartered in the UK, and some, like Rolls-Royce, are practically synonymous with British industry. Meanwhile, the news coverage has described how Unaoil used the City of London as its go-to money laundry.

This is a terrible failing that discredits the Beeb, making it seem like financial corruption -- increasingly the brand identity of UK, plc -- is a no-go zone for its coverage.

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(via Reddit)