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  Web Link Hits
     NSW Health Care Complaints Commission
The Health Care Complaints Commission acts to protect public health and safety by dealing with complaints about health service providers in NSW. The Commission is an independent body that was established under the Health Care Complaints Act 1993.
     Women's Legal Services NSW
Women's Legal Services NSW is a community legal centre providing women with a range of free community legal services, including legal advice and information, education, training and resources across metropolitan and regional areas of New South Wales.
     Women's Health NSW
Women's Health NSW is an association of statewide women's health centres and specialist women's centres. All centres are non-government, community based, feminist services that provide choices for women to determine their individual health needs.
     Family Planning NSW
Family Planning NSW has been providing reproductive and sexual health services in New South Wales for over 80 years. We are an independent, not-for-profit organisation responsible to a voluntary board of directors.
     Planned Parenthood (USA)
For more than 90 years, Planned Parenthood has promoted a commonsense approach to women’s health and well-being, based on respect for each individual’s right to make informed, independent decisions about health, sex, and family planning.
     Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice (USA)
ACRJ is building a movement for Strong Families! Strong Families is our ten-year strategic policy initiative to redefine Family Values on our terms valuing families as they are, not as the Right thinks they should be.
     Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (USA)
Our mission is education. ARHP translates good science into practice by producing accredited, evidence-based programs for health care professionals across a broad range of topics.
     Women On Waves (Dutch, English, Español, Français, Polski, Português)
Women on Waves is a Dutch non-profit organization concerned with women's human rights. Its mission is to prevent unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortions throughout the world.
     Women On Web (Arabic, Dutch, English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai)
An online service for women living in countries where safe abortion is not available.
     Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (English and French)
The Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) is the only nation-wide political pro-choice group devoted to ensuring abortion rights and access for women.
     Abortion Law Reform Association New Zealand
ALRANZ is a voluntary organisation which believes that it is a woman's right to be able to choose whether to continue an unplanned pregnancy or have it terminated. Abortion is a health matter, not a crime.
     Gender Equality Online
Gender Equality Online is an Australian online forum dedicated to creating a constructive dialogue about gender issues in Australia and abroad [and] for those interested in the world of gender politics to share information and resources.
     UN Women Australia
UN Women Australia is the National Committee for UN Women in Australia and is one of 18 National Committees including the US, UK, Sweden and Canada.The National Committees support UN Women through membership programs and raising public awareness.
     Cork Women's Right to Choose Group (Ireland)
Cork Women's Right to Choose Group is a voluntary, not-for-profit lobby and direct action organization.
     Guttmacher Institute
Four decades after its creation, the Guttmacher Institute continues to advance sexual and reproductive health in the United States and worldwide through an interrelated program of social science research, policy analysis and public education.
Scarleteen is an independent, grassroots sexuality education and support organization and website. Founded in 1998, Scarleteen is visited by around three-quarters of a million diverse people each month worldwide, most between the ages of 15 and 25.
     National Network of Abortion Funds (USA)
The [US based] National Network of Abortion Funds works to make sure that all women and girls can get the abortions they seek.
     Abortion Gang
We are unapologetic activists for reproductive justice. This is our space to talk about what drives, inspires, and challenges us, what renews our passion for reproductive justice, what outrages us, and our ideas to keep the movement going forward.
     Center for Reproductive Rights
For more than 15 years, the Center for Reproductive Rights has used the law to advance reproductive freedom as a fundamental human right that all governments are legally obligated to protect, respect, and fulfill.
     Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights
WGNRR is a southern-based global network that builds and strengthens movements for sexual and reproductive health, rights (SRHR) and justice. Our work is grounded in the realities of those who most lack economic, social and political power.
     Trust Women
Trust Women PAC is a US political organization founded by executive director Julie Burkhart to carry on the vision that Dr George Tiller had for women of the world.
     European Pro-Choice Network
Exchanging information and establishing a pro-choice solidarity network
     Isis Creations
A long established site which creates a series of links to many diverse women's organisations, events and herstories around Australia and the world.
     Women's Electoral Lobby (NSW)
WEL was formed in 1972 and continues to work to improve women's access to decision-making bodies in order to give women input into those things that affect their lives.
     Stirrups and Stories
Reclaiming the Ob / Gyn patient experience through imagery and words
     Pro Choice NSW
ProChoice NSW believe all women have a right to safe, legal abortion and are committed to NSW law reform that maximises women's reproductive rights & freedoms, fosters dignity and respects women's moral agency by putting the decision in heir hands.
     Radical Women, Victoria
Radical Women (RW) is a socialist feminist, grassroots activist organization that provides a radical voice within the feminist movement, a feminist voice within the Left, and trains women to be leaders in the movements for social and economic justice
     Pro Choice Action Collective
The Queensland based PCAC is committed to defending women's right to free, safe, legal, accessible abortion.
     Reproductive Choice Australia
This Australian organisation is a coalition of organisations and individuals who are interested in ensuring that women’s reproductive rights are protected and enhanced.
     Children By Choice
A Queensland based all options pregnancy counselling and information service. Children By Choice also undertakes reproductive rights campaigning and offers good herstorical information for researchers and students.
     I'm Not Sorry
This a site where women can share their positive experiences with abortion.
     Abortion Rights (UK)
Abortion Rights is the national pro-choice campaign. We are campaigning to defend and extend women's rights and access to safe, legal abortion. We oppose any attack on the 1967 Abortion Act including any attempt to lower the abortion time limit.
     NARAL Pro-Choice America
NARAL is a longstanding US abortion rights organisation. As well as lobbying for reproductive rights in the US, NARAL also monitors US state legislatures for possible attacks against reproductive rights and regularly runs campaigns to defend abortion
     Abortion Access and Information
A comprehensive Australian site which provides factual information about abortion in Australia. The site also exposes biased anti-choice sites which set out to mislead woman.
     Catholics For Choice
Long standing abortion rights organisation expressing views from the perspective of many in the Catholic faith who support reproductive choice. Links to associated South American web sites.
     The Bessie Smyth Foundation
The Bessie Smyth Foundation ran Australia's first feminist abortion service July 1977 to August 2002, then ran as an all options pregnancy counselling service, until December 2006. Now defunct, the Foundation is an important part of women's herstory
     Women's Abortion Action Campaign
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