Friday, April 1

Ep 330 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

The only dentist in a community of 2400 closes because of Illinois’ Republican Governor Rauner.

Nathan Deal makes a deal.  

Kroger’s family friendly bathroom also helps LGBTQ people.  

North Carolina’s AG won’t defend bigoted law.

Rauner loses 4-4 at SCOTUS to hurt unions.

Coca Cola diminishes their “exposure” at the Republican Convention.

Wonkette: Rubio wants to keep his delegates.

An opportunity to share Science Fiction classics with some needy kids.

Science Fiction University Writing Prompt.  Deadline April 13 Midnight.  Put “submission” in your subject line.  PASTE your writing into an email.  NO attachments.  Four paragraphs inspired by one of the following images of SF Cover Art

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Friday, March 25

Ep 329 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Lindsey Graham off the rails
Paul Ryan can’t help both siderism.

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Friday, March 18

Ep 328 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Hillary in Springfield Illinois
Orrin Hatch, huge hypocrite
Rauner candidate blames partisan politics for losing
Cruz’s foreign policy comes from...Frank Gaffney?  

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Friday, March 11

Ep 327 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Manhattan media princesses leave voicemails for Donald Trump

Joe Scarborough all of a sudden realizes “It never trickles down”

Trump Anxiety is a thing.  

Bernie knows, and Hillary needs to remember, it’s the economy stupid.

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Friday, March 4

Ep 326 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Throwback Thursday:  Mitt a failure at his own 2012 convention.
Driftglass:  The smarmy of Northern Virginia
Wonkette:  Everyone is being a dick to Elizabeth Warren
Samantha Bee and the election of 2010.
Bob Cesca and how one need not be inspired to vote.

The book Blue Gal is currently reading.  The Lost Time Accidents: A Novel

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Friday, February 26

Ep 325 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Links for this episode:

Reince Priebus should start drinking

Morning Joe in the tank for Trump, on a hot mic.

Sci Fi University:   Read & discuss the first few paragraphs of “The Cold Equations”

Tokyo Sexwale?  Or Tokyo Sex Whale?   

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Friday, February 19

Ep 324 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

Eugene Robinson on the Saturday GOP debate.  

Kasich blames George Bush for blowing the surplus; wants balanced budget amendment.

The Week:  Conservatives have failed Donald Trump’s Supporters

Bible Bitch:  Hebrews 12

Vox:  I've spent years trying to get skinny. Oprah's Weight Watchers ads convinced me to stop.

Bill Scher:  Republican primaries are part of the SCOTUS resistance.  

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Friday, February 12

Ep 323 The Professional Left Podcast

Links for this episode:

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Saturday, February 6

Something I wrote in 2008....

...seems apt for this primary season and our politics in general. To paraphrase:

There's no point in allowing our "concerns" to rob us of our peace. I think we sometimes enshrine our own emotional reactions to wrong, and it blocks us from doing what we can to change things.

Remember ma hunnies, one can be enraged over lead in the water.... and funding for children with autism... and death in Gaza and elsewhere.... (this scene from Henry V shows a war crime, the murder of servant boys on the field of battle)...

...and yet not know the day is ours: "Praised be God, and not our strength for it."

And I hope you watched to the end, when even the victorious King himself is reminded that he is no more than a leek-wearing Welshman. And that his honesty is his most important quality.

"God keep me so."

Stay strong, stay focused, stay humble, fight on.

Texts with my 13 yo