31 March 2016

Forty thousand jobs threatened as Tata Steel announces end of UK operations

By Robert Stevens, 31 March 2016

Neither Labour leader Corbyn nor the trade union bureaucracy proposes any struggle by steel workers in defence of their jobs.

Corbyn’s six months as UK Labour leader: A record of capitulation and betrayal

Economic nationalism, war and the fight for international socialism

Following Machinists union betrayal
Boeing to slash 4,000-8,000 jobs

By Barry Grey, 31 March 2016

Both the IAM and the SPEEA reacted to the announcement of the job cuts with impotent appeals to the state legislature to bar the company from slashing jobs.

New study says entire regions of US will remain in slump until the 2020s

Republican Party crisis deepens as candidates renege on “loyalty” pledge

By Patrick Martin, 31 March 2016

None of the three remaining candidates for the Republican presidential nomination will commit to supporting the eventual nominee.

Clinton, media step up pressure for Sanders to withdraw

Clinton primary contest losses intensify Democratic Party crisis

More on the 2016 US Elections »

Australian prime minister lurches from one crisis to the next

By Peter Symonds, 31 March 2016

Just a week after his move to bring on an early “double dissolution” election, Malcolm Turnbull has announced a new tax plan that could sow the seeds for a fracturing of the Australian federation.

Australian Labor leader makes a cynical populist pitch

Politicians and media promote far-right Alternative for Germany

By Johannes Stern, 31 March 2016

The friendly overtures extend from the Left Party to the Christian Democrats.

German interior minister seeks to further restrict rights of immigrants

Hungary strengthens state security powers after Brussels attacks

By Markus Salzmann, 31 March 2016

The Hungarian government plans to expand surveillance of telephone and internet data.

European Court rubber-stamps police murder of Jean Charles de Menezes

By Chris Marsden, 31 March 2016

Judges ruled that the UK had not violated article two of the European Convention of Human Rights protecting the right to life.

After the Brussels attack, Podemos defends “war on terror”

By Alejandro López, 31 March 2016

Podemos General Secretary Pablo Iglesias is falling in line with false arguments that intelligence agencies failed to “connect the dots” to prevent the Brussels attacks.

The Belgium bombing: Why the dots are not connected

The terror bombings in Brussels

More on the Brussels terror attacks »

Costa Rica closes its borders to Cuban migrants

By Andrea Lobo, 31 March 2016

The tensions between Central American governments have exposed the fragility of three decades of supposed economic, political and social integration.

Immigrant farmworker sentenced to 25 years to life for leaving her newborn in California strawberry field

By Eden Ferrera, 31 March 2016

Nineteen-year-old Rosalba Moran, an undocumented immigrant and victim of rape, was charged with first-degree murder.

“What’s happening here is emblematic of what’s going on across the country”
Detroit newspaper workers protest contract takeaways

By Shannon Jones, 31 March 2016

Detroit Free Press and Detroit News journalists held a protest Wednesday over company concessions demands, including increases in health care costs and conversion of full-time to part-time work.

Nearly 750 dead in US house fires in 2016

By Steve Filips, 31 March 2016

A leading cause of the tragedies is unsafe alternative heating and lighting methods resulting from utility suspensions.

New layoffs in New Zealand meat processing

By John Braddock, 31 March 2016

A new round of restructuring within the New Zealand meat processing industry is underway.

New in French

Des rapports des renseignements soulèvent davantage de questions sur l’origine des attentats de Bruxelles et Paris

Par Alex Lantier, 31 mars 2016

En même temps qu’elles essayaient de discréditer l’accusation qu’elles s’appuyaient sur des terroristes dans leur guerre en Syrie, les puissances de l’OTAN minimisaient les signes que l’EI était en train de développer un réseau terroriste en Europe.

Le gouvernement français cherche à gagner du temps pour imposer l’impopulaire loi travail

Par Kumaran Ira, 31 mars 2016

Le Parti socialiste et la bureaucratie syndicale espèrent que les vacances scolaires vont mettre fin aux manifestations et à l’opposition grandissante à la réactionnaire loi El Khomri

New in German

Warnungen vor einem neuen globalen Wettrüsten

Von Andre Damon, 31. März 2016

Während die Führer der Weltmächte diese Woche in Washington zum Gipfeltreffen über nukleare Sicherheit zusammenkommen, warnen führende Denkfabriken vor einem „neuen Rüstungswettlauf“.

Bundeswehr wirbt für Einsatz im Innern

Von Peter Schwarz, 31. März 2016

Der CDU-Politiker Rupert Scholz fordert auf der offiziellen Website der Bundewehr eine Änderung des Grundgesetzes, um den Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Innern zur Terrorabwehr zu ermöglichen.

Geheimdienstberichte werfen neue Fragen zu den Anschlägen von Paris und Brüssel auf

Von Alex Lantier, 31. März 2016

Die Nato-Mächte verharmlosten die Anzeichen für den Aufbau eines IS-Terrornetzwerkes in Europa, weil sie die Terroristen zum Sturz des Assad-Regimes eingesetzt haben.

Obamas Konzentration auf Lateinamerika

Von Bill Van Auken, 31. März 2016

Obamas hohle Menschenrechts-Phrasen können die wirklichen Ziele Washingtons in Lateinamerika nicht verbergen: neue und noch blutigere Verbrechen zugunsten der Profitinteressen der USA.

Verhaftungen nach Rücktrittsforderung an Präsident Xi

Von Peter Symonds, 31. März 2016

In einem offenen Brief haben „loyale Parteimitglieder“ Präsident Xi zum Rücktritt sowie zur Aufgabe aller Ämter aufgefordert und ihm die Schuld an den „beispiellosen Problemen und Krisen“ in China gegeben.

Other Languages


War: The great unmentionable in the 2016 US elections

31 March 2016

While it is not a topic of significant debate among the various candidates contending for the presidential nomination, the growing international war drive, spearheaded by the United States, looms over the election campaign.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016


The political economy of endless austerity

By Nick Beams, 31 March 2016

The imposition of austerity is determined not by a lack of economic resources, but by the relentless logic of the profit system.

Warnings of global arms race ahead of Nuclear Security Summit

By Andre Damon, 30 March 2016

On sexual harassment policy
Professors’ group charges Obama administration with undermining academic freedom and due process

By David Walsh, 30 March 2016

Impeachment looms in Brazil as PT’s largest coalition partner deserts government

By Bill Van Auken, 30 March 2016

Supreme Court ruling favors unions in agency shop dues case

By Tom Carter, 30 March 2016

FBI claims successful hack of Apple iPhone security systems

By Thomas Gaist, 30 March 2016

Japan’s security laws: Another milestone in the drive to world war

“They got away with murder for profit”
Michigan will not sanction GM attorneys involved in cover-up of ignition defect

Australia: Socialist Alternative hails downing of Russian jet in Syria

Arts Review

Eye in the Sky: The liberal war on terror

By Joanne Laurier, 31 March 2016

Eye in the Sky is a political-military thriller in which British and American officials weigh the consequences of a drone strike in Nairobi, Kenya.

San Diego Latino Film Festival 2016—Part 2
The human cost of the drug war in Mexico and a drama from Venezuela: Retratos de una búsqueda and Dauna. Lo que lleva el río

By Kevin Martinez and Toby Reese, 30 March 2016

San Diego Latino Film Festival 2016—Part 1
Films from Argentina, Spain and Guatemala: El Movimiento, Hablar, Ixcanul and Tras Nazarin

The Crisis in Detroit and Flint

Newly-released email details complicity of Obama’s EPA in Flint poisoning

By James Brewer, 30 March 2016

Obama administration to cut off Flint emergency aid

Why the New York Times is pushing racial politics in Flint

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

2016 US elections

Fundraising for US presidential campaign surpasses $1 billion

By Joseph Kishore, 25 March 2016

Following terror attacks in Brussels
US presidential candidates call for stepped-up war and police measures

Trump and the Democratic Party

More on the 2016 US elections »

NHS Fightback

UK Junior doctors dispute at a crossroads
Statement by NHS Fightback

29 March 2016

Socialist Equality Party

Hundreds attend meetings in Leipzig, Germany on the danger of war and the politics of the pseudo-left

By our correspondents, 22 March 2016

David North addresses Sri Lankan SEP launch of Sinhala edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North, 22 March 2016


One hundred years since Ireland’s Easter Rising—Part three

By Jordan Shilton, 29 March 2016

The Easter Rising was a seminal event in Irish history, the lessons of which the working class must assimilate.

One hundred years since Ireland’s Easter Rising—Part two

One hundred years since Ireland’s Easter Rising—Part One

IYSSE/SEP meetings

SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

16 March 2016

Socialism and the Fight Against War
IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand—Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

24 March 2016

Book Review

German Left Party leader’s plea for nationalism and the free market economy

By Peter Schwarz, 25 March 2016


Ex-President Francisco Flores (1959–2016) and the decimation of El Salvador

By Neil Hardt, 28 March 2016

25 years ago: Chairman of East German privatization agency assassinated

On April 1, 1991, Detlev Rohwedder, chairman of the institution responsible for the privatization of East German industries—the Treuhand—was assassinated by a sniper.

More »

50 years ago: Strikes, demonstrations, bring down Ecuador junta

On March 29, 1966, the Ecuador junta headed by Admiral Ramón Castro Jijón fled the Government Palace in Quito after a week of mass labor strikes and student demonstrations.

More »

75 years ago: Strikes cripple US arms production

On April 2, 1941 autoworkers, steel workers, miners and other industrial workers launched powerful strikes against corporations under military contract.

More »


100 years ago: Mass strike of construction workers in New York City

On April 3, 1916, thousands of workers engaged in constructing the New York City subway system walked off the job.

More »

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky