Military chiefs seize on Brussels attacks to send more US troops to Iraq

By Thomas Gaist, 29 March 2016

More than four years after the official end of the US occupation of Iraq, and with a current presence of some 5,000 troops, military leaders are calling for additional military assets.

Historic city of Palmyra falls to Syrian government forces

Hundreds of US Marines provide combat support as Iraqi forces advance toward Mosul

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

Officials stoke anti-Muslim hatred following Brussels attack

By Stéphane Hugues, 29 March 2016

Officials are inciting anti-Muslim racism to cover up the role of the state in creating Islamist terror networks in the war for regime change in Syria.

The US-NATO war in Syria and the Brussels terror attacks

Scandal mounts over failure by Belgian police to halt Brussels attacks

More on the Brussels terror attacks »

As Brazil’s impeachment crisis deepens, economists advocate “Asian model”

By Souza Gonzaga, 29 March 2016

Ostensibly “left” economists have joined with right-wing nationalists in advocating a nationalist policy based on wage cutting and authoritarian state control.

Japanese economy continues to show signs of faltering

By Ben McGrath, 29 March 2016

A negative interest rate introduced in January by the Bank of Japan has done nothing to promote economic growth.

Obama administration to cut off Flint emergency aid

By James Brewer, 29 March 2016

The Obama administration, along with state and local government officials of both parties, played a critical role in creating and covering up the disaster in Flint.

Flint water task force report leaves Snyder off the hook

Why the New York Times is pushing racial politics in Flint

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

“They got away with murder for profit”
Michigan will not sanction GM attorneys involved in cover-up of ignition defect

By Shannon Jones, 29 March 2016

To date, no top GM official has been held to account for the decade-long cover-up of an ignition defect responsible for at least 124 deaths and hundreds of injuries.

St. Louis autoworkers bar UAW vice president from their Facebook page

UAW discussing lower pay rate at Lear in Detroit

More on autoworkers struggles »

US federal appeals court ruling could speed up executions

By Kate Randall, 29 March 2016

The Ninth US Circuit Court’s ruling comes as the number of death row exonerees continues to grow, including 156 individuals since 1973.

New York City Rikers Island prison guards on trial for viciously beating inmate

By Sandy English, 29 March 2016

The Democratic Mayor of New York City Bill de Blasio has ruled out any reform of the prison system, including closing Rikers Island, the location of regular brutality and abuse.

Illinois public higher education hit with more cuts

By George Gallanis, 29 March 2016

As Illinois continues to operate without a budget, both Democrats and Republicans are exploiting the impasse to impose deep cuts on public higher education.

Germany’s Deutsche Bahn to slash 2,100 rail freight transport jobs

By Dietmar Henning, 29 March 2016

Works councillors and union functionaries have already indicated they are prepared to cooperate in implementing the cuts, the first step to a further wave of consolidations.

New in French

La guerre des États-Unis et de l’OTAN en Syrie et les attaques terroristes de Bruxelles

Par Alex Lantier, 29 mars 2016

Les réseaux islamistes établis par les États-Unis et leurs alliés européens pour alimenter en combattants leur opération de changement de régime en Syrie portent la guerre en Europe, avec de terribles conséquences.

Les défaites de Clinton aux primaires intensifient la crise du Parti démocrate

Par Joseph Kishore, 29 mars 2016

Les victoires écrasantes de Sanders dans l'État de Washington, à Hawaï et en Alaska sont une nouvelle manifestation de la colère sociale accumulée à l’égard de tout l'establishment politique.

New in German

Vorwahlen in den USA
Clintons Niederlagen verschärfen Krise der Demokraten

Von Joseph Kishore, 29. März 2016

Sanders’ Erdrutschsiege in Washington, Alaska und Hawaii sind ein weiteres Anzeichen für die angestaute Wut in der Bevölkerung auf das gesamte Establishment.

Der Nato-Krieg in Syrien und die Terroranschläge in Brüssel

Von Alex Lantier, 29. März 2016

Die USA und ihre europäischen Verbündeten haben islamistische Netzwerke aufgebaut, um Kämpfer für ihren Regimewechsel in Syrien zu gewinnen. Jetzt tragen diese den Krieg mit schrecklichen Folgen zurück nach Europa.

Innenminister de Maizière will erneut das Ausländerrecht verschärfen

Von Marianne Arens, 29. März 2016

Die neusten Vorschläge des Innenministers sehen vor, Flüchtlinge zu disziplinieren und die Residenzpflicht zu verschärfen.

Französische Studenten und Schüler protestieren gegen Austerität und Ausnahmezustand

Von Kumaran Ira und Anthony Torres, 29. März 2016

Schüler und Studenten äußerten bei Demonstrationen gegen die Arbeitsmarktreform ihre Ablehnung gegenüber den Sparmaßnahmen der Sozialistischen Partei, dem Ausnahmezustand und imperialistischen Kriegen.

Other Languages


Japan’s security laws: Another milestone in the drive to world war

29 March 2016

The implementation of the military legislation is a major step in the revival of Japanese militarism, encouraged by Washington as part of its war preparations against China.

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016


Australia: Socialist Alternative hails downing of Russian jet in Syria

By Oscar Grenfell, 29 March 2016

The declaration that Turkey’s flagrant act of war was “a small victory for humanity” underscores the pseudo-lefts’ support for imperialist provocations, including those that threaten to trigger world war.

Obama high court pick Merrick Garland: A record of support for police powers

By Tom Carter, 28 March 2016

Obama’s pivot to Latin America

After Brussels attacks, German politicians and media demand increased state powers

Researchers and scientists subpoenaed in anti-abortion witch-hunt

Greece’s Syriza government detains refugees

2016 US elections

Clinton primary contest losses intensify Democratic Party crisis

By Joseph Kishore, 28 March 2016

Fundraising for US presidential campaign surpasses $1 billion

Following terror attacks in Brussels
US presidential candidates call for stepped-up war and police measures

Trump and the Democratic Party

More on the 2016 US elections »

NHS Fightback

UK Junior doctors dispute at a crossroads
Statement by NHS Fightback

29 March 2016

The imposition of a draconian contract on 55,000 junior doctors is a test case for restructuring employment conditions for the entire workforce of the National Health Service.


One hundred years since Ireland’s Easter Rising—Part three

By Jordan Shilton, 29 March 2016

The Easter Rising was a seminal event in Irish history, the lessons of which the working class must assimilate.

One hundred years since Ireland’s Easter Rising—Part two

One hundred years since Ireland’s Easter Rising—Part One

Arts Review

Rapper Phife Dawg from A Tribe Called Quest dead at 45

By Hiram Lee, 29 March 2016

The members of A Tribe Called Quest were more relatable than the superstar rappers who came before them and more sensitive and intelligent than the lyricists of then-emerging gangster rap.

San Diego Latino Film Festival 2016—Part 1
Films from Argentina, Spain and Guatemala: El Movimiento, Hablar, Ixcanul and Tras Nazarin

By Kevin Martinez and Toby Reese, 28 March 2016

I Saw the Light: A biography of country singer Hank Williams

By David Walsh, 26 March 2016

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: The Americas

29 March 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Indian auto workers fight to defend wages and conditions

By Arun Kumar, 26 March 2016

Chicago Teachers Union approves one-day stunt “strike” on April 1

By Kristina Betinis, 26 March 2016

Tube drivers shut down London Piccadilly Line

By Ross Mitchell, 26 March 2016

Socialist Equality Party

Hundreds attend meetings in Leipzig, Germany on the danger of war and the politics of the pseudo-left

By our correspondents, 22 March 2016

David North addresses Sri Lankan SEP launch of Sinhala edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North, 22 March 2016

IYSSE/SEP meetings

Upcoming events in Cambridge, Mass. and Albuquerque, New Mexico
SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

16 March 2016

Meeting at Toronto’s York University: Socialism and the Fight Against War

26 March 2016

Socialism and the Fight Against War
IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand—Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

24 March 2016

Book Review

German Left Party leader’s plea for nationalism and the free market economy

By Peter Schwarz, 25 March 2016


Ex-President Francisco Flores (1959–2016) and the decimation of El Salvador

By Neil Hardt, 28 March 2016

25 years ago: Chairman of East German privatization agency assassinated

On April 1, 1991, Detlev Rohwedder, chairman of the institution responsible for the privatization of East German industries—the Treuhand—was assassinated by a sniper.

More »

50 years ago: Strikes, demonstrations, bring down Ecuador junta

On March 29, 1966, the Ecuador junta headed by Admiral Ramón Castro Jijón fled the Government Palace in Quito after a week of mass labor strikes and student demonstrations.

More »

75 years ago: Strikes cripple US arms production

On April 2, 1941 autoworkers, steel workers, miners and other industrial workers launched powerful strikes against corporations under military contract.

More »


100 years ago: Mass strike of construction workers in New York City

On April 3, 1916, thousands of workers engaged in constructing the New York City subway system walked off the job.

More »

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky