25 March 2016

Fundraising for US presidential campaign surpasses $1 billion

By Joseph Kishore, 25 March 2016

A huge proportion of this money has come from 108 super-wealthy donors, who have contributed more than half of all donations to Super PACs and nearly a quarter of financing for the election as a whole.

Following terror attacks in Brussels
US presidential candidates call for stepped-up war and police measures

Trump and the Democratic Party

More on the 2016 US elections »

Hundreds of US Marines provide combat support as Iraqi forces advance toward Mosul

By Thomas Gaist, 25 March 2016

Two weeks after secretly deploying to northern Iraq, US Marines are pounding Iraqi villages in support of an Iraqi government offensive overseen by US advisors.

Attacks on Marine firebase reveal secret US escalation in Iraq

Syrian war enters sixth year with graver dangers still ahead

More on the war in Iraq and Syria »

French students speak out against austerity and state of emergency

By Kumaran Ira and Anthony Torres, 25 March 2016

Students protesting the French labour reform expressed their opposition to the Socialist Party’s austerity measures, state of emergency and imperialist wars.

Corporate elites maintain pressure on Australian prime minister

By Nick Beams, 25 March 2016

The Australian economy’s “transition” from the China-induced mining boom has been described as an “internal devaluation,” involving major attacks on wages and social conditions.

University of California president proposes privatization of pension fund

By Kevin Martinez, 25 March 2016

The proposal is only the latest in the bipartisan attack on public-sector and private-sector pension plans throughout the United States.

University of California installs secret spyware system

Chinese government’s phony anti-poverty plan

By John Ward, 25 March 2016

The announcement at the National People’s Congress of a 43 percent increase in poverty alleviation funds is to deflect attention from growing social inequality.

Canada’s establishment “canonizes” former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford

By Carl Bronski, 25 March 2016

An arch-right winger, notorious for his ignorance and appeals to prejudice, Ford was used by the big business elite to push the city’s politics sharply to the right.

Indian analyst urges US to use secret diplomacy in harnessing Delhi to anti-China “pivot”

By K. Ratnayake, 25 March 2016

A prominent military-strategic analyst has criticised the very public manner in which the US is pressing for India to act as a “frontline state” in its war drive against China.

UK dockers strike suspended by Unite union

By Steve James, 25 March 2016

From the start, Unite made clear that it sought nothing more than good relations with Forth Ports to carry forward their shared interests.

New in French

Etudiants et lycéens mobilisés contre la loi El Khomri

Par Kumaran Ira et Anthony Torres, 25 mars 2016

Les jeunes qui se sont exprimés auprès du WSWS ont décrit leur opposition aux mesures d'austérité du PS, ainsi qu'à l'état d'urgence et aux guerres.

New in Russian

Обращение Дэвида Норта к ПСР Шри-Ланки по поводу выхода на сингальском языке книги Русская революция и незавершенное XX столетие

Дэвид Норт, 24 марта 2016 г.

Публикация этого нового перевода книги Дэвина Норта Русская революция и незавершенное XX столетие внесет свой существенный вклад в воспитание рабочих и молодежи на Шри-Ланке.

New in Spanish

Obama en Cuba

Por Bill Van Auken, 24 marzo 2016

Tanto la servil prensa y el gobierno de Castro apoyan y auxilian la fachada de “derechos humanos” del presidente Obama.

New in Turkish

Brüksel’deki bombalı terör saldırıları

Alex Lantier, 24 Mart 2016

Bu gerici şiddet sarmalını durdurabilmenin yek yolu, onun temelindeki nedenin, -yani büyük emperyalist güçlerin Ortadoğu’ya egemen olma peşinde koşmasına dayanan savaş yöneliminin- üzerine gitmektir.

Obama Küba’da

Bill Van Auken, 24 Mart 2016

Obama’yı ve ona Küba’da eşlik eden güçlü CEO’lar ve iş dünyası lobicileri ordusunu yönlendiren şey, Amerikan militarizminin dünya çapında patlamasının temelini oluşturan pazarlar ve karlar uğruna şiddetli mücadeledir.

New in German

Die Terroranschläge von Brüssel

Von Alex Lantier, 24. März 2016

Der schreckliche Angriff richtete sich gegen Unschuldige, die in keiner Weise für die imperialistischen Kriege im Nahen Osten verantwortlich sind.

Syriza-Regierung inhaftiert Flüchtlinge in Griechenland

Von Katerina Selin, 24. März 2016

Die griechische Syriza-Regierung setzt alle Hebel in Bewegung, um das Abkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union und der Türkei durchzusetzen.

Sahra Wagenknechts Plädoyer für Nationalismus und Marktwirtschaft

Von Peter Schwarz, 24. März 2016

Im Buch „Reichtum ohne Gier“ wirbt die Linken-Politikerin für einen starken Nationalstaat, der sich nach außen abschottet und sprachlich und ethnisch homogen ist.

Obamas Rede in Kuba:
Kapitalistische Offensive im demokratischen Gewand

Von Bill Van Auken, 24. März 2016

Während der amerikanische Präsident von „Menschenrechten“ sprach, erklärten seine Berater den US-Dollar und die Macht der Konzerne zu den wichtigsten Anliegen Washingtons.

Die USA forcieren die militärische Einkreisung Chinas

Von Peter Symonds, 24. März 2016

Angesichts des Stationierungsabkommen der USA mit den Philippinen warnt Peking davor, dass Washington Asien in einen neuen „Nahen Osten“ verwandelt.

Other Languages


The Belgium bombing: Why the dots are not connected

25 March 2016

The extent of state intelligence foreknowledge in the Brussels attack explodes the official narrative that intelligence agencies failed to “connect the dots.”

Earlier Perspectives »

Socialism and the Fight Against War
Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International, 18 February 2016

Socialist Equality Party

Hundreds attend meetings in Leipzig, Germany on the danger of war and the politics of the pseudo-left

By our correspondents, 22 March 2016

David North addresses Sri Lankan SEP launch of Sinhala edition of The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century

By David North, 22 March 2016


Australia: Socialist Alternative and the US “pivot to Asia”

By Oscar Grenfell, 25 March 2016

Socialist Alternative’s response to the Defense White Paper is aimed at obscuring Australia’s central role in the US drive to war against China.

Corbyn’s six months as UK Labour leader: A record of capitulation and betrayal

By Robert Stevens, 24 March 2016

Belgian authorities had “precise intelligence warnings” of Brussels bombings

By Stéphane Hugues and Alex Lantier, 24 March 2016

The terror bombings in Brussels

Germany’s Left Party favours coalition with conservative CDU

Indonesia accuses China of encroaching on its territory

US government delays hearing in Apple iPhone encryption case

Northwestern University faculty oppose selection of US general to head global studies institute

Québec Solidaire welcomes suppression of anti-austerity struggle

Book Review

German Left Party leader’s plea for nationalism and the free market economy

By Peter Schwarz, 25 March 2016

In her book Wealth without Greed (Reichtum ohne Gier), the leading Left Party politician advocates a strong, protectionist, ethnically and linguistically homogeneous national state.

Arts Review

Atom Egoyan’s Remember: A Nazi criminal hunted…

By Joanne Laurier, 25 March 2016

Two Auschwitz concentration camp survivors plot to kill the SS guard who murdered their families in Atom Egoyan’s latest film, Remember, a psychological drama.

“We make the terror:” Season four of House of Cards

By Andre Damon, 24 March 2016

Book Review
Anthony Doerr’s All the Light We Cannot See: All the history the novelist cannot see

Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

25 March 2016

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Seven-day nurses strike ends at Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles

By Marc Wells, 23 March 2016

India: Tata workers end strike after being isolated by the unions

By Arun Kumar, 23 March 2016

International Youth and Students for Social Equality

Socialism and the Fight Against War
IYSSE meetings in Australia and New Zealand—Build an International Movement of the Working Class and Youth Against Imperialism!

24 March 2016

SEP meetings in the US: Socialism and the fight against war

16 March 2016

The water crisis in Flint, Michigan

Michigan governor’s Flint “action plan”: A cover for criminality

By James Brewer, 23 March 2016

Chief proponent of Flint water supply switch hosts public meeting

The crimes behind the US lead water crisis

More on the water crisis in Flint, Michigan »

Autoworkers Struggles

St. Louis autoworkers bar UAW vice president from their Facebook page

By Jerry White, 23 March 2016

UAW discussing lower pay rate at Lear in Detroit

More on autoworkers struggles »

25 years ago: US abets Iraq’s bloody suppression of rebellions

On March 26, 1991, White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater gave a press conference in which he declared, “We don’t intend to involve ourselves in the internal conflict in Iraq.”

More »

50 years ago: Worldwide protests against Vietnam War

On March 26, 1966, protests against the war in Vietnam were held in New York and other major American cities, as well as in foreign capitals such as Rome, London and Ottawa.

More »

75 years ago: Mass anti-fascist demonstrations in Yugoslavia

On March 25, 1941 a spontaneous demonstrations broke out in Yugoslavia following the monarchy’s decision to sign Hitler’s Tripartite Pact.

More »


100 years ago: German U-boat attacks French passenger steamship

On March 24, 1916, a German U-boat torpedoed a French passenger steamship, the Sussex, while it was crossing the English Channel from Britain to France.

More »

75 Years Since the Assassination Of Leon Trotsky

Security and the Fourth International, the Gelfand Case and the deposition of Mark Zborowski
An open letter from David North to Susan Weissman

10 November 2015

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

Meetings in Germany mark the 75th anniversary of the death of Leon Trotsky