Social Ecology Blog

Online debate on “degrowth”

The websites Commons Transition and have both highlighted a very interesting online debate on the future of the term “degrowth.” Pioneered by French economist Serge Latouche, degrowth has become a rallying point for an impressive array of critics and visionaries, especially in Europe. Some have critiqued the degrowth paradigm for being too eclectic, and perhaps insufficiently anticapitalist, but conversations initiated by degrowth advocates continue to be quite illuminating for many of us here.

In this dialogue, UK-based economist Kate Raworth argues [...]

New book: Organic Revolutionary by Grace Gershuny

ISE faculty member Grace Gershuny’s long-awaited memoir has just been released, under the imprint of Joe’s Brook Press in Barnet, Vermont. The book, Organic Revolutionary: A Memoir of the Movement for Real Food, Planetary Healing, and Human Liberation, illuminates Grace’s roots in the early 1970s back-to-the-land movement, her early engagement with soil science and the emergence of organic farming in northern New England, her discovery of social ecology and socially-engaged Buddhism, and her intimate role [...]

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    Statement on the assassination of Berta Cáceres in Honduras

Statement on the assassination of Berta Cáceres in Honduras

The ISE was among more than 30 organizations that signed on to a press statement expressing outrage at the early March assassination of Berta Cáceres, a leading indigenous activist in Honduras.  The full text is available at the US Food Sovereignty Alliance website.  Further background on Cáceres’ work to defend indigenous land rights from logging, mining mega-hydroelectric and other interests is available in this 2013 article from journalist/activist Jeff Conant. The case [...]

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    2016 ISE Summer Gathering: August 19-21 – Marshfield, Vermont

2016 ISE Summer Gathering: August 19-21 – Marshfield, Vermont

Join the ISE for our annual summer gathering in Vermont. This year's theme: Social Ecology, Socialism, and the State. How can we move from protest to social transformation?

French Translation of Post-Scarcity Anarchism now available

A complete French translation of Murray Bookchin’s classic Post-Scarcity Anarchism is finally available thanks to Vincent Gerber and Écosociété press. Bravo et merci!

You can order copies of Au-delà de la rareté: L’anarchisme dans une société d’abondance here.



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    New Online Course Starting in April – Ecology, Democracy, Utopia

New Online Course Starting in April – Ecology, Democracy, Utopia

Our first online course on the foundations of social ecology, in collaboration with Goddard College!

Save the Date! 2016 Summer Intensive Program

Join us in the Hudson Valley in August for a week-long program on Democracy, Ecology & Social Movements, also featuring an advanced track on the politics and philosophy of social ecology.
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    The New World Summit on Stateless Democracy – Video Online

The New World Summit on Stateless Democracy – Video Online

The New World Summit on Stateless Democracy took place at Utrecht University in the Netherlands recently, bringing together activists and intellectuals from around the globe to explore the possibilities for uncoupling democracy from the nation-state. Speakers from a variety of movements across the globe converged to discuss radical democracy, nationalism, and especially the Kurdish liberation struggle that has captured the imagination of the world.

Many of these exciting discussions can now [...]

By |February 11th, 2016|Social Ecology Blog|0 Comments|
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    Debbie Bookchin in The Nation on Turkey’s repression of the Kurdish liberation movement

Debbie Bookchin in The Nation on Turkey’s repression of the Kurdish liberation movement

Debbie Bookchin has penned a powerful new article for The Nation on Erdogan’s current war against the Kurdish movement in Southeastern Turkey, and why the US and EU must act now to stop the bloodshed.  

“Why would Erdogan resume the peace process when his NATO allies give him tacit permission to brutalize his own people in the name of combating terrorism? As long as [...]

An organic revolutionary in South Korea

by Grace Gershuny

Last October I had the opportunity to deliver a talk at a conference in Goesan province, South Korea. The Regional Conference on Marketing & Innovation in Organic Farming was co-sponsored by IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) with the Goesan provincial government. My presentation, co-authored by former IFOAM President Katherine DiMatteo, was entitled, “The organic revolution, or you can’t dismantle capitalism with a marketing plan” (full text was posted in September, but the link [...]