Build a Business

Everything you need to know & valuable resources to get started with a new business
Paying More Than You Need to for International Transactions?

Paying More Than You Need to for International Transactions?

If your business serves a global market, Prince Ghuman says you might be losing money unnecessarily on exchange rates and bank fees. And if you sell... More »

How Is Election Season Impacting Business? Ask Accountants

How Is Election Season Impacting Business? Ask Accountants

More than 80 percent of U.S. business executives say the upcoming presidential election is not impacting their decisions about hiring, capital... More »

Problems with Employee Trust and Some Solutions

Problems with Employee Trust and Some Solutions

A slowly recovering economy and wage stagnation have contributed to a level of workplace mistrust, according to several authors, studies and... More »

The Risks of Malware to Small Businesses

The Risks of Malware to Small Businesses

The global costs of cybercrime are now estimated at between $500 billion to $1 trillion annually. This growth moves cybersecurity from the back... More »

Making Crowdsourced Work More Intelligent, If Not More Lucrative

Making Crowdsourced Work More Intelligent, If Not More Lucrative

When Matt Bencke led the product team at Getty Images, he says he crowdsourced the massive task of tagging photos so that users could more easily... More »

Mobile App Analyst: All Companies Should Be App Publishers

Mobile App Analyst: All Companies Should Be App Publishers

If App Annie is right, then mobile apps, which have “tremendous untapped potential” to generate “billions more” dollars in... More »

Is Your Website’s Search Box Good or Bad for Business?

Is Your Website’s Search Box Good or Bad for Business?

If your business has a beautifully designed and functional website, you might pat yourself on the back. But then ask yourself, “how searchable... More »

Three No-Brainer Business Tax No-Nos

Three No-Brainer Business Tax No-Nos

In the 9 years since Jonathan Barsade has run the sales tax compliance firm Exactor, he has seen businesses make the same tax filing mistakes again... More »

WeFunder Counts Down Days to Legal Crowd-Investing

WeFunder Counts Down Days to Legal Crowd-Investing

The moment Nick Tommarello has been waiting for is on the near horizon. It’s been four years since Tommarello co-founded the... More »

Is Your Small Business Keeping Up with Digital Design Trends?

Is Your Small Business Keeping Up with Digital Design Trends?

With Apple, Disney, and FitBit among the many customers of their mobile experience and web application design and build services, the Worry Free... More »

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