Memphis Minnie's Blues Link



"Images of Desire" reveals surrealist work in the realm of painting, drawing, collage, photography and other "visual arts." Every three months it will feature the work of a particular individual active in the Surrealist Movement. Our inaugural exhibit focuses on the collages of Jan Hathaway. To contact Jan Hathaway please send email to

A Few Words from the Artist by Jan Hathaway

The Personal Is Astronomical Collages: The Collages of Jan Hathaway
by Franklin Rosemont

The collage below represents work from over a twenty-year period. Each of the small versions may be clicked to see an enlarged view.

When You Least Expect It
Meanwhile The Bombardment

Star Theatre
Opening the Door Dew Drop Inn




Apparition of Opposites

Timeless Entry

Collective Recognition


I was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1951, and lived in Alabama until the early 1980s. Starting in 1973 I began to consider myself a Surrealist, and took part in the activities of a like minded group of artists, writers and musicians, the "Glass Veal" Group which originated in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and later continued in Birmingham. In 1983 I moved to Mississippi, then to Tennessee, and (in 1988) to Hawaii, where I live today. I have participated in the activities of the Surrealist Movement in the U.S. since 1988.

In my collages I use original photographic images of (for example) plants, skies and facades of buildings, which I process and print digitally. Multiple images are cut out, hand-colored to add additional richness and texture, and then assembled to create collage, many including a three-dimensional, sculptural structure.

Strongly influenced by coincidence, humor, feelings and desire, my collages are contributions to surrealismıs ongoing revolution. I want them to encourage reflection about the relationship between nature and culture, handwork and technology, the Marvelous and the everyday.