- published: 10 Feb 2010
- views: 2866
Intervju med advokatbyrån Greedy
En film visad på banketten för arbetsmarknadsdagen GAIUS 2-4-2010
Veronique - Karin Isacs...
published: 10 Feb 2010
Intervju med advokatbyrån Greedy
En film visad på banketten för arbetsmarknadsdagen GAIUS 2-4-2010
Veronique - Karin Isacson
Odd von Gyllenstropf - Emil Karlsson
Stort tack till:
Hans Häggqvist
Stefán Hilmarsson
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- published: 10 Feb 2010
- views: 2866
We Grow Trees we deliver and plant to Eastern US properties
Movie 0022 Movie on Make Your Property Worth more.... Plant Trees Call us for trees...
published: 08 Apr 2010
We Grow Trees we deliver and plant to Eastern US properties
Movie 0022 Movie on Make Your Property Worth more.... Plant Trees Call us for trees at 215 651 8329 we deliver and plant to Eastern US properties Aeneas - forefather of Rome's founders. Himself son of Venus. He came to Latium as a refugee of the Trojan war.
Romulus - founder of Rome
The seven kings of Rome (of which the first was Romulus himself)
The kings were followed by the Roman Republican period and an extremely long list of consuls which I will endeavour to include when time permits. There were two Consuls at any one time so that no-one should have absolute power but in times of extreme danger a dictator could be nominated for a period of 6 months. The most famous of these is Cincinnatus (519 BC). George Washington is sometimes compared to him for his lack of desire for power. Cincinnatus worked his fields in a small farm, went and did his stint to save Rome from the enemy (as nominated Dictator) and then returned the vestiges of power to go back to his plough.
A variety of famous generals became involved in various phases of Rome's expansion across Italy and then across the Mediterranean but most particularly with the Punic wars against Carthage.
A mythical example is the rather moralistic tale of general Coriolanus: he reputedly led Roman troops against the Volscians (a population south of Rome) in the 5th century BC and subdued them. He himself subsequently fell into disgrace with the Romans, probably due to the numerous enemies he had. He therefore turned against Rome by joining those he had conquered and successfully led their troops against Rome. He may well have been an excuse for the defeats Rome suffered against the Volscians.
A further example but rather better recorded is the Scipio family, which provided a good number of military leaders of great fame and success (including against Hannibal).
Cicero (see below) wrote a rather interesting "Dream of Scipio". An allegorical vision or dream in which Scipio Aemilianus Africanus meets his grandfather Scipio Africanus who had defeated the Carthaginian Hannibal.
The Gracchi brothers both held important government positions, forced significant reforms and got killed by the rich for them.
Cicero is rather unique in a number of ways. Most interestingly he was not a general but rather an acclaimed jurist, politician and writer/philosopher (you might roll it all into one by calling him an Orator). He became Consul, prevented the Catiline coup-d'etat, was acclaimed father of the nation but was eventually assassinated and beheaded by one of his clients at the behest of Mark Anthony and his wife Antonia. Antonia is said to have enjoyed holding his severed head on her lap, forcing his mouth open and sticking hair pins into his tongue. Wow.
The civil wars during the Roman republic produced a good number of leaders such as Marius, Sulla, Pompey the Great and Julius Caesar.
- published: 08 Apr 2010
- views: 3
'Lucia de B. zal alsnog worden vrijgesproken'
GRONINGEN - Lucia de B. zal alsnog worden vrijgesproken. Dat is de stellige overtuiging va...
published: 02 Nov 2007
'Lucia de B. zal alsnog worden vrijgesproken'
GRONINGEN - Lucia de B. zal alsnog worden vrijgesproken. Dat is de stellige overtuiging van de Groningse hoogleraar Klinische en Forensische Toxicologie Donald Uges.
De B. is veroordeeld voor meervoudige moord op patiënten en kreeg een levenslange straf opgelegd en een gedwongen tbs-behandeling.
Klinisch en gerechtelijk toxicoloog Uges trad destijds voor het gerechtshof in Den Haag op als getuige-deskundige.
Zijn kritische opmerkingen, onder ede afgelegd, werden genegeerd.
Uges plaatst met name kanttekeningen bij het toxicologisch onderzoek. Zo zou een van de slachtoffers, een baby, zijn overleden aan een digoxine-vergiftiging. Dat werd bepaald aan de hand van een gaasje met bloed van de baby.
Volgens Uges zijn de bevindingen op basis van dat bloed onbetrouwbaar. Zo droogt bloed op een gaasje in en levert dat sowieso hogere waarden aan digoxine op. Bovendien is het onduidelijk wat de historie van het gaasje is en zijn daardoor bewijzen tegen de B. moeilijk te staven.
Hoogleraren statistiek overhandigen vrijdag een petitie aan staatssecretaris Albayrak waarin ze voor heropening van de rechtszaak pleiten.
- published: 02 Nov 2007
- views: 7718