Uncritical support for Corbyn


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David Shearer of Labour Party Marxists reports on last weekend’s LRC conference. The February 20 ‘special general meeting’ of the Labour Representation Committee was a strange affair, not least because of the poor attendance of only around 150 comrades. The … Continue reading

Momentum: Fight for political clarity


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Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists surveys the left response to Momentum’s founding national committee meeting. Akira Kurosawa’s classic film Rashōmon is based around the narrative concept of a series of self-interested characters giving their partial accounts of the same event … Continue reading

Gagging order


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Going to the Labour Briefing readers’ meeting in London last Saturday (December 12), I had hoped – against the evidence, I have to admit – to discover what plans are being hatched for the future organisation of the Labour left. … Continue reading

Turn the Momentum inwards


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As the hard right readies for phase two of Operation Discredit Corbyn, James Marshall outlines the tactics and strategic goals of Labour Party Marxists Labour’s civil war is ongoing and intensifying at every level. Using the agenda-setting power of the … Continue reading

Momentum – through the looking glass


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Jim Grant of Labour Party Marxists wonders if the bourgeois press thinks their readers are sheep  We are barely two weeks into Momentum’s existence, and already the British media is terribly excited – bringing to bear the fearless pursuit of truth, … Continue reading

Two years to take control


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The bureaucratic right is still running the show, but by 2017 all that could change, says Charles Gradnitzer of Labour Party Marxists. Conference was a mixed bag this year; it was slightly more democratic than in previous years and noticeably … Continue reading