The Wagner Library

Est. 2001 - Edited by Patrick Swinkels


Updates of 03 Jun 2011

  1. Wagnerheim
    Paul Heise's in-depth analysis of Wagner's Ring of the Nibelung.
    Dr. Roger Scruton introduces Paul Heise's monumental quest to grasp the conceptual unity of Richard Wagner's music-drama, The Ring of the Nibelung, where Mr. Heise has made it available free so that it can be read in its entirety. This is the most sustained effort to grasp Wagner's tetralogy as a whole (libretto text, plot, and music) in the literature. Its central argument is that Wagner's gigantic tetralogy is an allegory representing the conflict between man's quest for power through acquisition of objective knowledge, and man's counter-impulse to affirm his transcendent value in religion, morality, and art.

Updates of 17 Aug 2008

  1. On the Performing of "Tannhäuser."
    This statement contains, in addition to detailed instructions on the production and performance of Tannhäuser, certain funcamental, practical comments by Wagner on performing musical-dramatic works. Wagner calls for a close link between staging and music. The production must be backed at all times by the score. Comprehensive instructions for the conductor, director, set designer, and performers of Tannhäuser are included. [from the "Wagner Handbook", p. 603]
  2. A Report on the Production of "Tannhäuser" in Paris.
    Wagner gives a detailed report in letter form (dated 27 March 1861) on the events that occurred at the notorious production of Tannhäuser in Paris on 13, 18, and 24 March 1861. [from the "Wagner Handbook", p. 604]
  3. Overture to "Tannhäuser."
    Program note for a concert in Zurich on 16 March 1852. [from the "Wagner Handbook", p. 644] and published in the Neue Zeitschrift for 14 January 1853.

Archived news below

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