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Bash Back! MKE Statement About Pridfest and Nazi Confrontation

Bash Back! MKE, 08.06.2008 14:07

In the afternoon of Saturday, June 7th. Bash Back! and other anti-fascists confronted the neo-Nazi group, the National Socialist Movement, who had come to protest Milwaukee’s Pridefest. The leaders of the LGBT Community asked that people simply ignore the Nazi threat to our communities. These same leaders ensured that police would be in full force to defend the NSM and to arrest and assault those who came to oppose the Nazis.

In short, the organizers of Pridefest and the “leaders” of the LGBT community sold out all of us. Neo-Nazis are not a group of passive Christians who want only to condemn our abstract souls to hell. These people want us dead. If given the chance, they will kill us. Nazis (uniformed and otherwise) have murdered thousands upon thousands of trans and queer people, and millions of others. We haven’t forgotten their intentions. We haven’t forgotten of what they are capable. We will never allow their tyranny again.
We will never accept any threat to our bodies and our community.

The same people who ask us to ignore these thugs, demand our composure and complacency when our friends and lovers are murdered. The “leaders” of this community have shown they will never stand with those they claim to serve. They would rather see well-protected neo-nazis than a well-defended queer and trans community. Nobody will protect us if not ourselves.

In the last year, reported violence against us had risen by 25%. One queer or trans person is murdered every eight days in this country. Nazis move freely into our neighborhoods to terrorize us on the streets. Police brutalize queer and trans people on a regular basis. Yet still, the supposed leaders and politicians of the LGBT community do nothing and ask us to do the same. When will we bash back?

Homepage:: http://mkeanarchy.bravehost.com/index.html

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The nazi threat to our community???
08.06.2008 - 23:51
C'mon, those fuckers were a total joke. I doubt the victims of so many hate crimes were committed by affiliated nazis, but more likely rouge bigots with little affiliation to any specific organization. Certainly a firm stand against gay bashers and other scum is necessary, but I think you are giving these fucks to much credit. Unlike so many other protests, I doubt the pigs were on their side in spirit.

another tired comment
09.06.2008 - 16:18
Yet another tired comment naively assuming that the people who act against this or that issue only act on this issue and in this way. Not much else needs to be said regarding such nonsense.

Yet another tired comment naively assuming that blatant racism/fascism is not a violent threat, with fairly obvious historical and current evidence that suggests otherwise. The goal of anti-fascist organizing when it does not pose an immediate threat to communities is to weed it, to prevent it from growing, because when it does become brazen it is a much more serious issue. There are tens of thousands of neo-nazis in many European cities and we have no intention of allowing neo-nazis the confidence to develop. We intend to stop fascism where is starts, purely so it does not become a distraction from more immediate and pressing everyday concerns, such as the destruction of capital.

tout niquer>

11.06.2008 - 00:20
Such pompous responses aren't very persuasive in convincing others of your opinion. I don't say this to be rude, because you do make good points, but the first sentence of each paragraph makes you come off as some kind of arrogant prick who cares more about showing off how enlightened they are than changing minds. I doubt that is what you are trying to do, but at first read that is what feels like you are trying to do.

22.06.2008 - 13:36
I agree. It's often hard for me to engage in respectful dialog with people who repeatedly make the same assumptions, yet refuse to participate in a discussion. I am inclined to respond to defamation and silly arguments with annoyance, but again I agree, it isn't productive.
tout niquer>