- published: 01 May 2017
- views: 7840
A natural gas vehicle (NGV) is an alternative fuel vehicle that uses compressed natural gas (CNG) or liquefied natural gas (LNG) as a cleaner alternative to other fossil fuels. Natural gas vehicles should not be confused with vehicles powered by propane (LPG), which is a fuel with a fundamentally different composition. Worldwide, there were 22.7 million natural gas vehicles by 2015, led by China with 4.44 million, Iran with 4.00 million, Pakistan (3.70 million), Argentina (2.48 million), India (1.80 million) and Brazil (1.78 million). The Asia-Pacific region leads the world with 6.8 million NGVs, followed by Latin America with 4.2 million vehicles. In the Latin American region almost 90% of NGVs have bi-fuel engines, allowing these vehicles to run on either gasoline or CNG. In Pakistan, almost every vehicle converted to (or manufactured for) alternative fuel use typically retains the capability to run on ordinary gasoline.
As of 2009, the U.S. had a fleet of 114,270 compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles, mostly buses; 147,030 vehicles running on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); and 3,176 vehicles liquefied natural gas (LNG). Other countries where natural gas-powered buses are popular include India, Australia, Argentina, and Germany. In OECD countries there are around 500,000 CNG vehicles. Pakistan's market share of NGVs was 61.1% in 2010, follow by Armenia with 32%, and Bolivia with 20%. The number of NGV refueling stations has also increased, to 18,202 worldwide as of 2010, up 10.2% from the previous year.
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Satu kejadian letupan berlaku di Petronas Taman Austin Height, Johor sebentar tadi Seorang pekerja stesen minyak maut selepas sebuah tangki simpinan NGV tiba-tiba meletup sekitar pukul 3 petang tadi. Kejadian tersebut mengakibatkan laluan di kawasan berkenaan ditutup untuk sementara dan pihak bomba masih lagi menjalankan kerja-kerja memadamkan kebakaran.
Jeronimo Martinez el piloto más joven del equipo NGV motori SportS, en el kartodromo Juan Pablo Montoya en Tocancipa. Síguenos en https://www.facebook.com/NGVmotoriSPORTS
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