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International House of God
Hopes of a Generation
The International Day of Peace is observed annually on 21 September. In Southeast Asia, religious conflict remains one of the region's most pressing issues. Here, we present a collection of videos showing how young people are reaching across ethnic, religious and cultural boundaries to create harmony in their communities.
International House of God is the story of a young religious teacher who encourages friendship between migrant workers by hosting musical gatherings at his mosque in Malaysia. Workers who come from countries as far as Bangladesh and Indonesia socialize and develop a sense of community.
Myanmar Youth for Interfaith Peace
Youth for Peace in Myanmar
In this video message, young people from different backgrounds come together to express their shared aspirations for peace and the end of conflict in Myanmar.
PostPeace: Say No Emergency Decree
Postcards for Peace
Students in Patani in southern Thailand reach out to the world by sharing their feelings about the repressive emergency decree on postcards.
A Day with a Couple
Love Across Boundaries
How a couple from two different ethnic and religious backgrounds live their lives in an environment that is not always friendly to interfaith marriages.
Search For Common Ground
Featured Producer:
Search For Common Ground

Search for Common Ground works to transform the way the world deals with conflict by transforming it into cooperative action.
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