P. 1
T8 B17 FAA Trips 2 of 3 Fdr- Statement by Vic Padgett, OSIC 036

T8 B17 FAA Trips 2 of 3 Fdr- Statement by Vic Padgett, OSIC 036

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Published by: 911DocumentArchive on Apr 18, 2009
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-14-OKFR1) 16:40


TEL:703 413 1570

P. 002

9/14/01 Actions on 9/1 1/0 !

After becoming aware of the incidents in NYC , I advised the TRACON and Tower to suspend VFR overnights in DCA's airspace and advised the Tower not to let unfamiliar helicopters in their airspace. Radar room controllers called to me at the Watch Desk and advised IAD had told them of a primary target east bound about 1 0 west of DCA. I picked up the USSS phone at the departure coordinator position and advised JOC of the target. About this time a C 130 on a routine ADW west departure was asked to turn toward the primary target and help identify the target. At some point the ADW departure identified the target as a B757. I was in continuous contact with JOC during this period giving details on the primary's flight path. The primary target appeared to be heading toward DCA at a high rate of speed, as it got close to DCA it turned away from DCA to the right. The target continued to the right , somewhere within 5-8 miles of DCA, the target finished its turn and was again lined up toward DCA. JOC was continuously advised of the targets actions and also of the C 1 30's report of the targets type aircraft. 1 could hoar the JOC saying "GET OUT, GET OUT" as the target finished its final turn. I became aware that the target hit the Pentagon and advised the radar controllers to get all aircraft out of the airspace. I remember hearing the crash phone ring. I became aware of another suspect aircraft near PIT heading toward DCA. I ordered the TOWER to be evacuated for the safety of our people. A fighter aircraft about to land a: ADW was asked to investigate ~ the aircraft approaching from the PIT area tints told us he was too low on fuel. Shortly afterwards I heard that the aircraft crashed near Camp David. Vic Padgett, OSIC

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