Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance has come out in opposition to the Federal government's moves to gut funding to the Safe Schools Program, and substantially censor its content.

The program was designed to counter homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools, and is a vital lifeline and educational resource for young queer people in Australia.

The Federal Government voted on a number of changes to the program including restricting Safe Schools to secondary schools only, removing the role playing exercises from the program, and “empowering parents” to make the decision as to whether or not their children will participate in the program.

Parental permission is a major barrier to young LGBTQIA+ people accessing the program who may experience homophobia and transphobia in the home. The Coalition government, in cahoots with reactionary bigots like the Australian Christian Lobby and Family First, are waging a war on young queer people and the LGBTQIA+ community.

RYSA applauds the actions of young people, students and community members who have rallied around the country to support the program and oppose homophobia and transphobia.

Mia Sanders, National Co-Convener of Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance spoke in defense of the program, saying “The conservative Christian right is trying to hit us where it hurts by waging a vicious attack on one of the most vulnerable sections of our community – LGBTQIA+ youth.

“Young people have said loud and clear that this program saves lives. Any cuts to this program are culpable in contributing to the rates of poor mental health and suicide among youth in the queer community.

"The Liberal Party and Australian Christian Lobby should pick on someone their own size and stop contributing to the bullying of young queer people.

“In addition to being life-saving, programs for LGBTQIA+ youth are vital in empowering the next generation to fight for their rights, and that's exactly why conservatives are so scared of them.

“Resistance will continue to stand with the fight-back against bigotry, homophobia, and transphobia.

LNP and ACL, get your filthy hands off Safe Schools!”

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Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance is the youth wing of the Socialist Alliance, and comprises all members of the Socialist Alliance aged 26 or younger.

Young people — students, young workers and the unemployed — play a vital role in building movements to make fundamental social change. Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance seeks to engage, educate and involve young people in getting active to change the world.

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