The Walyalup-Fremantle branch of the Socialist Alliance is pleased to announce that Chris Jenkins will be its candidate for Fremantle in the coming federal election.

"Both here and around the world we need a society that looks after the billions, not the billionaires."

The Senate reform pushed through by the Turnbull Liberal-National government with the support of the Greens does not make federal Parliament more democratic.

Ken Canning, lead Senate candidate for Socialist Alliance in the federal election asks if the Daily Telegraph seriously thinks Aboriginal people laid out the red carpet for James Cook?

Socialist Alliance's 2016 Federal Election Platform: Australia is a wealthy country, but the reality is that 60% of that wealth is in the hands of the richest 20%, while the poorest 20% own virtually nothing. We need a radically different future!

To win our struggle we have to build a broad, strong and powerful people's movement. We have to join together and fight for all our freedom.

The powers-that-be in NSW have deemed that there are so many examples of “unsafe protest activities” across the state that, to make everyone safe, we need new laws that will protect “lawful business activity”.

The Labor and Liberal National parties hope to slip in four-year fixed parliamentary terms in Queensland through a referendum being held at the same time as state-wide polls for local councils.

Aboriginal activist and writer Ken Canning will head the Socialist Alliance NSW Senate ticket in the coming federal election. “I've joined this election campaign to build a people's movement."

Why is the government so keen to reform Senate voting with the threat of a double dissolution election hanging in the air?

Injustice has become law and, in our millions, we are resisting.
