Multinational Monitor

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Jan/Feb: "Wall Street Self-Destructs"
Mar/Apr: " Big Ideas to Save the Planet"

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Nov/Dec: "The System Implodes"
Sep/Oct: "False Solutions"
Jul/Aug: "Marketing Mania"

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Nov/Dec: "The Toll of Corporate Control"
Sep/Oct: "The Political Economy of Oil: Part II"
Jun/Jul: "Panic on the Street: Financial Markets in Crisis"
Mar/Apr: "AIDS: The Global Pandemic"
Jan/Feb: "Oil Frontiers: The Future of Oil"

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Nov/Dec: "J'Accuse: : The 10 Worst Corporations of 2006"
Sep/Oct: "The Big-Box Swindle"
Jul/Aug: "Worker Representation in the U.S."
May/Jun: "The Culture of Corruption"
Mar/Apr: "Focus on Avian Influenza"
Jan/Feb: "Bullying Democracy"

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Jan/Feb: "25 Years of Monitoring the Multinationals"
Mar/Apr: "Taking Away Victims' Rights"
May/Jun: "Big Tobacco Stalks the Globe"
Jul/Aug: "The People v. Corporate Power"
Sep/Oct: "The Disaster After the Disaster"
Nov/Dec: "The 10 Worst Corporations of 2005"

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Jan/Feb: "Victories! Winning Campaigns "
March: "Cronyism, Corruption and Calamity in Iraq"
April: "CAFTA: Recolonizing Central America"
May/June: "Dissecting the Bush Administration"
July/August: "The Political Economy of R&D;"
September: "The Precautionary Principle"
October: "Medicine and Markets"
November: "The Nightmare Continues"
December: "The Ten Worst Corporations of 2004"

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Jan/Feb: "The Business of War"
March: "The Corporate Drive for Legal Immunity"
April: "Corporate Threats to Environmental Health "
May: "Wealth and Income Inequality in the USA "
June: "Labor vs. Bush "
July/August: "Grotesque Inequalities"
September: "Oceans of Trouble"
October: "Sprawl: Going Nowhere Fast"
November: "The Fate of the Forests"
Decembe: "The 10 Worst Corporations of 2003"

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Jan/Feb: "Privatization: Rip-Offs and Resistance"
March: "Corporate Capture of the Internet"
April: "Citigroup: Bankrupting Democracy"
May: "After the Wall: Central and Eastern Europe Confront Corporate Globalization"
June: "The Face of Big Pharma�s Failure"
July/August: "Corporate Reform After Enron"
September: "World Bank/IMF Privatization Mania"
October/November: "The Future of Corporate Reform"
December: "The 10 Worst Corporations of 2002"

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Jan/Feb: "Winning Campaigns"
March: "Mexico's New Democracy: The Real Thing?"
April: "Trade Madness!"
May: "The Bush Years Begin"
June: "Power Struggles"
July/August: "The Case Against GE"
September: "Bearing the Burden of IMF and World Bank Policies"
October: "Corporations and the U.S. Poor"
November: "Corporations and National Security"
December: "The Ten Worst Corporations of 2001 "

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Jan/Feb: "Biotech Futures"
March: "Legalized Bribery"
April: "The IMF on The Run"
May: "Big Business Looks to Sew Up the Chinese Market"
June: "World Bank: Reaping A Grim Harvest"
July/August: "Corporate Pigs and Other Tales of Agribusiness"
September: "Asbestos, Globalization and the Search for Justice"
October: "Political Investments"
November: "The Political Economy of Worker Safety"
December: "Welcome to the Millennium"

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March: "Government of, by and for the Corporations"
May: "Books and Business"
June: "Energy Follies"
July/August: "Corporate Crime in the '90s"
September: "Taming the Drug Lords"
October/November: "SPECIAL WTO ISSUE: Trading It All Away
December: "The Corporate Century"

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Jan/Feb: "Globalization in Crisis"
March: "The Corporate War Machine"
April: "Timber!"
May: "Corporate Trash Talk"
June: "Corporate Predators"
July/August: "SPECIAL ISSUE: The Tobacco Papers"
September:"Corporate Plenty"
October: "Controlling Capital"
November: "Corporate Concentration"
December: "Corporate Bullies"

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Jan/Feb: "The Scourge of Child Labor"
March: "Labor vs. Capital"
April: "The Monopoly Makers"
May: "The Oil Barons"
June: "Laboring in China"
July/August: "Big Tobacco Looks for a Clean Getaway"
September: "The New Multinationals"
October: "The World Bank"
November: "University, Inc."
December: "The Ten Worst Corporations of 1997"

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Jan/Feb: "Ravaging Russian Resources"
March: "Papua New Guinea Blues"
April: "Corporate Vultures"
May: "Trying Times in Southern Africa"
June: "Merger Mania Returns"
July/Aug: "Poverty and Power in Africa"
Sept: "Going Bananas in Central America"
Oct: "Corrupting Democracy"
Nov: "The New Growth Industries"
Dec: "The Ten Worst Corporations of 1996"

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Jan/Feb: "Multinationals and Human Rights"
March: "Contract With Corporate America"
April: "NAFTA Disaster"
May: "The Info Barrons"
June: "Workers of the World"
Jul/Aug: "India: Open for Business"
Sept: "Nuclear Power Pushers"
Oct: "Undercutting Worker Safety"
Nov: "Harvesting South America"
Dec: "Shameless: 1995's Ten Worst Corporations"

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Jan/Feb: "The Philipines"
March: "AIDing Repression in Haiti"
April: "Confronting Development Aggression"
May: "South Africa: Challenges Ahead"
June: "BioPiracy"
August: "The World Bank: 50 Years Is Enough!"
September: "Plundering the Planet: Full Speed Ahead"
October: "GATT: Trading Away the Future"
November: "Cuba In Transition"
December: "The Corporate Hall of Shame"

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March: "Fighting for Alaska"
April: "Bangladesh"
May: "NAFTA"
June: "Labor Strategies"
Jul/Aug: "Public Rights, Corporate Wrongs"
September: "Aid, Inc."
October: "Special Issue: The Case Against NAFTA"
November: "Recolonizing Southeast Asia"
December: "1993's Corporate Hall of Shame"

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Jan/Feb: "The Tobacco Lords"
March: "Corporate Tentacles"
April: "Energy Directions"
May: "Share the Health"
June: "Pillage in the Pacific"
Jul/Aug: "Report from Rio"
September: "Indigenous Voices"
October: "Burma: Big Oil Fuels Oppression"
November: "Examining the Banks"
December: "The Ten Worst Corporations of 1992"

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March: "The Price of War"
April: "Labor's Challenge"
May: "Privatisation & Plunder"
June: "Financial Follies"
September: "Rainforests Under Siege"
October: "Business vs. The Environment"
November: "Fighting for Women's Lives"
December: "Corporate Crime and Violence In Review"

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Jan/Feb: "The UAW Looks to Its Future"
March: "Environmental Board Games"
April: "Banking On Poverty"
May: "Canada Pays for Free Trade"
June: "Trouble in Trinidad and Tobago"
Jul/Aug: "Challenging Corporate Europe"
September: "U.S.S.R. In Crisis"
October: "Indonesia: Devastating Development"
November: "GATT"
December: "Corporate Villians"

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Jan/Feb: "Energy and the Environment"
March: "Labor vs. Lorenzo"
April: "Cuba Today"
May: "Kenya's Challenge"
June: "The Alcohol Addiction"
Jul/Aug: "The United Nations"
September: "Women & Labor"
October: "Privatization In Turkey"
November: "The Pacific Rim"
December: "Corporate Crime, '89"

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January: "Latin America in Crisis"
February: "The Best War Money Can Buy"
March: "The Politics of Cancer"
April: "Ties That Bind: America's Special Relationship With Israel"
May: "Labor in El Salvador: New Treats, New Hope"
June: "Justice for Some: The Campaign to Limit Corporate Liability"
July: "Crisis In Agriculture"
September: "South Africa: The Struggle Continues"
October: "Mexico: The Economic Question"
November: "Japan: The Next Empire"
December: "Corporate Ethics"

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February: "The Corporate Assault on Solidarity"
March: "China: The Long March to Development"
April: "Corporate Crime and Violence"
May: "The Case Against Corporate Crime"
Jul/Aug: "The Tobacco Trap"
September: "The Media Monopoly"
October: "Australia"
Nov/Dec: "U.S.S.R. - Open for Business"

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January 15: "A Crime Against Women"
January 31: "High Tech Hazards: Chipping Away at Workers' Health"
February 15: "Checking Merger Mania: Reigning In the Monopoly Makers"
February 28: "Genetic Roulette"
March 15: "Corporate Campaigns: Workers Hold the Line"
April 15: "Apartheid's Victims and Allies"
April 30: "Oil, Politics, and the Pursuit of Profits"
May: "The Nuclear Quagmire"
June: "Indigenous Peoples: The Struggle for Land and Equality"
August: "Corporate Secrecy vs. the Right to Know"
September: "The Peace Corps"
October: "Women In the Fray"
November: "Levi's In Arabia"
December: "Britain's Twilight"

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February/March: "The Case Against Depo-Provera"
April: "Taking Care of Business in Nicaragua"
May 15: "Strategies for the South"
May 31: "Seaga Under Siege"
June 15: "Banking on Disaster"
June 30: "Corporate Collusion: Undermining Divestment"
July 15: "The Fight to Ban Bogus Drugs"
July 31: "Paying for Bhopal"
August 15: "Ciba-Geigy's Cover-Up"
August 31: "Attracting Agribusiness in Nigeria"
October 15: "Who Controls Canada?"
October 31: "Coops: A Developing Alternative"
November 15: "Mexico: A Multinational Haven"
November 30: "Worker Ownership: Buying Control or Selling Out?"
December: "Haitian Hell: A Government Gone Awry"

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Dec 1984/ Jan 1985: "Wargames"
Oct/Nov: "The Myth of Investment Incentives"
September: "Export of Hazards"
August: "The Reagan Administration and Multinationals"
July: "Mondragon: Where the Workers Call the Shots"
June: "Matters of Corporate Conscience"
May: "The Bechtell Scandall"
April: "Guatemala's Indians: The Army Takes Control"
March: "Welcome to the High Tech Age"
February: "Brazil: A Nation on Trial"
January: "How Much Longer Can It Last? The Year in Review"

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December: "Toys, Toys, Toys: The Corporate Selling Spree"
November: "Pushing Booze"
October: "Japan: Industrial Saint or Trade Demon"
September: "Business Discovers the Last Frontier"
August: "Women and Multinationals"
July: "The Rule of the IMF"
June: "Steel: The New Global Order"
May: "Litton vs. Labor"
April: "Atari: Moving Blue Collar Jobs to Asia"
March: "The Caribbean Basin Initiative"
February: "U.S., Japan, and Korea: Growing Tensions, Deepening Ties"
January: "1982 Annual Report"

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December: "1981 Annual Report on Multinational Corporations"
November: "Ghana: The Role of the IMF in the Coup"
October: "Admiral Rickover Blasts Big Business"
September: "South Africa's Multinational Connections"
August: "The Great Hawaiian Milk Dump"
July: "Chile and Foreign Investors"
June: "Reagan Pushing Toxic Exports - Consumers Fight back"
May: "Behind the American Pastime"
April: "Nestle Strong-Arms Notre Dame Students to Vote 'No' on Boycott"
March: "Inside Citibank: Turning Profits by Evading Laws"
February: "Mugabe Tilts Toward Foreign Investment"
January: "Native Peoples Indict Companies"

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December: "Oil Companies Join the "Get Qaddafi" Campaign"
November: "Reagan to the World's Hungry and Poor: Go Ask Wall Street"
October: "The Hamburger Connection"
September: "How the French Socialist Government Will Affect Business Worldwide"
August: "Oil Companies Win $1.3 Billion from U.S."
July: "Castle & Cooke: Moving Dole from Hawaii to the Third World"
June: "South Korea & Taiwan: Exporting the People's Labor"
May: "Business and Revolution in Central America"
April: "Oil Companies Accused of Multibillion Dollar Rip-Off"
March: "The Selling of Australia"
February: "Multinationals Under Marcos"
January: "Food for Peace?"

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December: "The Shah and the Multinationals"
November: "U.S. Business Stalking the Caribbean?"
October: "Will the U.S. Stop the Export of Hazards"
September: "Multinationals v. Small Industry in India"
August: "Special Pharmaceuticals Issue"
July: "Jamaica: At the Crossroads"
June: "Whither OPIC?"
May: "Brazil, 1980"
April: "Special Banking Issue"
March: "Multinationals and Development"
February: "Kasier Aluminum's Ghanaian Power Grab"

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Winter: Introducing the Multinational Monitor
