
"What is a relationship?"                                                      

"Where do I begin?

"What do I want?"

"How to make it work?"

The Relationships workshop is for men who want to know more about relationships. This is a fun, engaging and informative workshop to develop your relationship skills such as communication, active listening, constructing a relationship agreement, and talking about sex with your partner/s.

Some feedback from recent participants:

"I wasn't too sure what to expect, but have learnt a lot about setting the groundwork for a good relationship, and dealing with conflict/communication techniques"

"I have gained more clarity and am less intimidated approaching the subject of a relationship"

"Many topics are interesting! Communication would be most useful. It seems like it is an important step in every step of any type of relationship"

Next Workshop

The next Relationships workshop will be held on:

Date: To be announced, register for further details.

Location: VAC, Peter Knight Centre, 6 Claremont St, South Yarra.

To register, contact (03) 9865 6700 or email or fill out the form below.

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Other Peer Education Workshops: